Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What To Put In A Survival Kit

Wai ~ ~ ~ went to Bqto looking wigs ~ ~ ~ looking for more of the cosplay, but only found a> \u0026lt;and I figured we would not find much, but still ... nya xx, q Kaki said we go to the end of February which is when restocked oO for being near the carnival and that, then we will go. _. Meanwhile, go here to look and see what we get, but here is expensive xx;;, otherwise we have internet, but with so few dollars ... > \u0026lt;!
Anyway, I found a super kawaii fabric for Lolita, and is cotton! perfect * _ * was also another gray that I would for a classic, but it was too much, the fabric is not cheap and I have a lot of money xx;;, not yet I began to sew, I have not even begun to fix my parlor, has been a week xx loose, but! Center back tomorrow, I'll get to it> \u0026lt;I said it would stop being so lazy, and my hand has improved a lot, so I have to put batteries xx;;; I also buy a calendar to record all I have to do and when and why, to see if this time I ignore oO;;; to the agenda last time I just ignored it xx, but I served several times oo I have to do is force myself, and I think eventually I'll get used. The hardest thing is always to start xx, then, with the agenda to force me to be able to help. _. saying you get to do this today! go! but at the same time, I have to get the odd day off oo in short, I have to do it! and I'm too lazy to make blouses, but I will! everything is for my dress lolita. _.
first thing I have to do, as I said, it's cosplays others, because I do not want to happen again like that of Muchik >\u0026lt;!!! that was horrible. _. then, once finished those, I have to get to the other, and so ... on a schedule to see if it works that way xx, because really, I've been too lazy this time, so you never get what I want. _. so I have to have more determination!> \u0026lt;so I can do all my cosplays and improve the confeccióny have my lolita dress ... all my goals are easy to perform, but difficult is to begin> \u0026lt;everlasting because of my laziness xx;;, but that's it! I have to get real xx;;;
Finally, I will look tomorrow to see if I get my schedule, and once I get my schedule and stuff. Ganbatte Ama-chan ~ ~ ~ ~ Wai


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