Saturday, January 16, 2010

Meaning Of Jelly Bracelet Colors

Finally, the soundtrack for Fairy Tail! NIEVEeEeEeEeEeEeE

It's about time! Since I started watching this series with [info] darksyx me very much struck by his incredible Soundtrack (Banda Sonora Original for those who do not know), with songs of many different styles but they go very well, yet with an air a little to the group "Wizard of Oz" (which I never liked, by the way XD), and stick perfectly to the scenes in which they are used. The battles are disbelief in this anime (which I'll discuss more in another post before)


Thanks to the Internet, has fallen into my hands that BSO, and I freaked. It has 36 tracks, and although there are themes for each character (the Erza is great), there is no "image song" or any song with lyrics, apart from some background vocals that sound, and even includes a slow version of the main theme of the series! Strongly recommended!


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