Saturday, January 9, 2010

Swimwear For Incontinence

Cosplay, cosplay, cosplay Ganbatte ~ xx ~

Wai ~ yesterday I went back to look pink and white wig, this time in the center of Valencia, and again found nothing xx, but I bought a perfect blue mint * _ * and the Lord spoke to store and told me that maybe I can get the white, hopefully get lucky * _ * in the pink, still do not know, may have to go tambiéna maracay to see what we get , and we said we would go back to late January bqto to see if they have something new ... Anyway, I hope to get lucky. _.;
I decided to buy some dollyeyes with EMS, because I like too >\u0026lt;!!! and I use with my sakura cosplay, but I do not arrive on time if the normal mail-xx ask, as I have to wait to ask your dollars pedro -.-
apparently will not go on Friday to comic con, cosplay Meroko then not be for that. _. may do so only for photoshoot, like Luka ... because on balance, is very uncomfortable ride n a convention with those wings xx, xx nya;
Ahhh way, today we went to buy fabrics for the comic tooodos cosplays with ... are EXPENSIVE! OMG! I spent all the money teníay now I can not buy more wigs even if you (oh my, I never thought of that) but anyway, and bought all the fabrics. _. went through all the shops color looking for Edgeworth and finally the color I got not convince me, because in the store looked perfect, but when I got home turned out differently xx;;; stupid lights Store misleading >\u0026lt;!!!!
Well ... continuing with the cosplay, sewing begin on Monday, yay ~ ~ ~ and then ... * Sigh * I need money for the July convention, but at least gives you time to save gyaaaannn xx where can I get money? >\u0026lt;!!! and still xx need 2 wigs;;; aghhh now things have gone well the dollar rose Masy twice! or that everything will be getting even more expensive AGHHH!! ToT !!!!!!
Well, yesterday I made the hair on my wigs from Sakura and Maya, and were the most beautiful * _ * I love Sakura, it's super easy to comb, and grips well as the * _ * Maya for being so long gave me many problems, and eventually I fell and ruffled a bit, so I will be playing later retouched xx;;, then of Meroko ... they do not know when it will be seen to do this cosplay. _. Ray, I've ignored too> \u0026lt;! I said I would definitely do for this convention, but it will not be able to go 3 days ... and the wings will be a problem xx, if to see if I do it to shoot before convencióny take pictures in the park of Sailor Moon, which is so cute * _ * then the other will be ; make the Gemini, which I think will also be meeting only xx photo, and at this rate, perhaps the Angelic Layer are also only shoot xx, many conventions were last year and this year we do not know if they oO; be that the fever is over the conventions? oO; in order xx, xx see what happens;
Buenop in the next post I put pictures of the hairstyles of the wigs, which I toamr photos * _ * but I have no camera, so that see how I do. _.; ToT want a camera!


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