Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mount Tremblant Return Desk

Happy Anniversary, Slayers!

Finally! Almost a month to LiveJournal and I had not spent any input to my favorite series of all time, the number 1 on my list ... Slayers! Not for nothing that I have a web dedicated to this series that takes about 7 years on the network. Moreover, thanks to this series I have met some great people which I can now call my friends (in capitals), and have moments of great emotion diversióny.

Why do today's entry? Well, very simple ...

What better time to do that today, day 25 January 2010, the day he met 20th anniversary of the publication of the first novel of Slayers, the that was the origin of all, the story that began 20 years anime, radio dramas, movies, OVAs, novels, manga, video games, card games, etc etc

(Novel 1: Original Porta, reissue 2008; version groin s by Tokyopop)

This novel contains the first meeting between Lina and Gourry, the birth of his friendship with Zel and his battle and pray (and Shabranigudu, of course), later adapted in the first half of the first season of the anime, and 3 volumes of the manga series Chou-Baku Madou-den Slayers (Published in Spain by IVREA as "Slayers: Demon Legend)

many years ago and found an English translation done by fans on the web Slayers Universe. Amazed by the story, and pissed off by how uncomfortable it is to read books on the computer XD I decided to print it (with pictures) and bind it to read it comfortably in the chair. Thus was born my passion for the Slayers novels that, after all are the original story which was born after all other adjustments. The publisher

American Tokyopop decided to take the Slayers novels I bought them without hesitation, and if you dare English publisher, I also bought it. may be that for many version of the novels is not the best , and prefer the manga or anime, but I think the Slayers novels are something that, if you can, well worth reading.

Finally, I can only thank and Kanzaka for writing this novel 20 years ago that started something very special that I hope never ends.

Happy Anniversary, Slayers!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hb-p90d23al-dj Issues

Life is not so easy. _.

Well, yes. _. becomes increasingly more difficult thing, and em really realize that living in a bubble. _. we are now without water, without light, without money or food. _. I do my cosplays but now every time I think more that I can not do it. _. at least March and bought the fabric, so no problem, but the others ... I see very difficult. _. besides I have no money and no way to collect, dry goods was yesterday at y. .. are all empty! OO! it is increasingly difficult to get things and the final when estarána get insurance unaffordable. _. I also had to leave the idea of Lolita for a while ... at least to leave this Paisy get a way to get money. _. and the cosplay I have enough expenses, I can not be cosplay and lolita at a time. _. at least not with this situation. _.
So I've been depressed and worried ... I want to go fast here, yet I do not want to leave my family, and will be difficult to go somewhere completely unknown ... but I do not want continue. _. the future is so uncertain that worries me. _. and I made plans have lost all, I feel like I could not do more plans ... even I have no idea where or what I'll be doing in 1 year ... is enough to make me worry. _. Become my life have I hate it unstable >\u0026lt;!!! oo then ... is normal to feel stressed and discouraged me ... . _. and little by little I get depressed -.-

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Meaning Of Jelly Bracelet Colors

Finally, the soundtrack for Fairy Tail! NIEVEeEeEeEeEeEeE

It's about time! Since I started watching this series with [info] darksyx me very much struck by his incredible Soundtrack (Banda Sonora Original for those who do not know), with songs of many different styles but they go very well, yet with an air a little to the group "Wizard of Oz" (which I never liked, by the way XD), and stick perfectly to the scenes in which they are used. The battles are disbelief in this anime (which I'll discuss more in another post before)


Thanks to the Internet, has fallen into my hands that BSO, and I freaked. It has 36 tracks, and although there are themes for each character (the Erza is great), there is no "image song" or any song with lyrics, apart from some background vocals that sound, and even includes a slow version of the main theme of the series! Strongly recommended!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Senior Week House Ocean City Md


(Note: read the caption to cocks XD)

has nevadooooo: For those who do not understand why I find something special ... is that it does not snow in my city EVER. In villages in the mountains the province itself, but not the city itself. It snowed in 2006 but by night and by noon it was already melted, but before that it was not snowing since 1970!

This time it started snowing at noon, so it has endured all day and possibly part of the night, so it was a new experience.

(Roof snow with SD Gourry XD)

So, once again, all together ... NIEVEEeEeEeEeE


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Swimwear For Incontinence

Cosplay, cosplay, cosplay Ganbatte ~ xx ~

Wai ~ yesterday I went back to look pink and white wig, this time in the center of Valencia, and again found nothing xx, but I bought a perfect blue mint * _ * and the Lord spoke to store and told me that maybe I can get the white, hopefully get lucky * _ * in the pink, still do not know, may have to go tambiéna maracay to see what we get , and we said we would go back to late January bqto to see if they have something new ... Anyway, I hope to get lucky. _.;
I decided to buy some dollyeyes with EMS, because I like too >\u0026lt;!!! and I use with my sakura cosplay, but I do not arrive on time if the normal mail-xx ask, as I have to wait to ask your dollars pedro -.-
apparently will not go on Friday to comic con, cosplay Meroko then not be for that. _. may do so only for photoshoot, like Luka ... because on balance, is very uncomfortable ride n a convention with those wings xx, xx nya;
Ahhh way, today we went to buy fabrics for the comic tooodos cosplays with ... are EXPENSIVE! OMG! I spent all the money teníay now I can not buy more wigs even if you (oh my, I never thought of that) but anyway, and bought all the fabrics. _. went through all the shops color looking for Edgeworth and finally the color I got not convince me, because in the store looked perfect, but when I got home turned out differently xx;;; stupid lights Store misleading >\u0026lt;!!!!
Well ... continuing with the cosplay, sewing begin on Monday, yay ~ ~ ~ and then ... * Sigh * I need money for the July convention, but at least gives you time to save gyaaaannn xx where can I get money? >\u0026lt;!!! and still xx need 2 wigs;;; aghhh now things have gone well the dollar rose Masy twice! or that everything will be getting even more expensive AGHHH!! ToT !!!!!!
Well, yesterday I made the hair on my wigs from Sakura and Maya, and were the most beautiful * _ * I love Sakura, it's super easy to comb, and grips well as the * _ * Maya for being so long gave me many problems, and eventually I fell and ruffled a bit, so I will be playing later retouched xx;;, then of Meroko ... they do not know when it will be seen to do this cosplay. _. Ray, I've ignored too> \u0026lt;! I said I would definitely do for this convention, but it will not be able to go 3 days ... and the wings will be a problem xx, if to see if I do it to shoot before convencióny take pictures in the park of Sailor Moon, which is so cute * _ * then the other will be ; make the Gemini, which I think will also be meeting only xx photo, and at this rate, perhaps the Angelic Layer are also only shoot xx, many conventions were last year and this year we do not know if they oO; be that the fever is over the conventions? oO; in order xx, xx see what happens;
Buenop in the next post I put pictures of the hairstyles of the wigs, which I toamr photos * _ * but I have no camera, so that see how I do. _.; ToT want a camera!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What To Put In A Survival Kit

Wai ~ ~ ~ went to Bqto looking wigs ~ ~ ~ looking for more of the cosplay, but only found a> \u0026lt;and I figured we would not find much, but still ... nya xx, q Kaki said we go to the end of February which is when restocked oO for being near the carnival and that, then we will go. _. Meanwhile, go here to look and see what we get, but here is expensive xx;;, otherwise we have internet, but with so few dollars ... > \u0026lt;!
Anyway, I found a super kawaii fabric for Lolita, and is cotton! perfect * _ * was also another gray that I would for a classic, but it was too much, the fabric is not cheap and I have a lot of money xx;;, not yet I began to sew, I have not even begun to fix my parlor, has been a week xx loose, but! Center back tomorrow, I'll get to it> \u0026lt;I said it would stop being so lazy, and my hand has improved a lot, so I have to put batteries xx;;; I also buy a calendar to record all I have to do and when and why, to see if this time I ignore oO;;; to the agenda last time I just ignored it xx, but I served several times oo I have to do is force myself, and I think eventually I'll get used. The hardest thing is always to start xx, then, with the agenda to force me to be able to help. _. saying you get to do this today! go! but at the same time, I have to get the odd day off oo in short, I have to do it! and I'm too lazy to make blouses, but I will! everything is for my dress lolita. _.
first thing I have to do, as I said, it's cosplays others, because I do not want to happen again like that of Muchik >\u0026lt;!!! that was horrible. _. then, once finished those, I have to get to the other, and so ... on a schedule to see if it works that way xx, because really, I've been too lazy this time, so you never get what I want. _. so I have to have more determination!> \u0026lt;so I can do all my cosplays and improve the confeccióny have my lolita dress ... all my goals are easy to perform, but difficult is to begin> \u0026lt;everlasting because of my laziness xx;;, but that's it! I have to get real xx;;;
Finally, I will look tomorrow to see if I get my schedule, and once I get my schedule and stuff. Ganbatte Ama-chan ~ ~ ~ ~ Wai

Monday, January 4, 2010

Deferred Adjudication

And it starts the new year

Well, well, since had to do the first inning of the year! I hope everyone (who reads this and not XD) you have had a good entry Anoy make 2010 a great year for you. I do not usually become a "New Year's resolutions" because, overall, I always meet other that I had proposed, and leaving out some (or many) of those on the list xD
Well, there are always some things you want to do, even mundane and will not affect anything important in your life (yes XD), but if you go to make your list, beware where you write xDDDDDD
As far as I'm concerned, I read some mangas I've been leaving for some time after (Soul Eater, Evangelion, Fairy Tail ...); also see some animes I've been leaving (Busou Renkin, xxxHOLiC Kei, Guin Saga ...); change the layout of my website, to translate a novel more than Slayers: pulling a piano at the head of some person nearby mine ; crap in asterisks IVREA not yet bring new Slayers sleeves, changing jobs, etc, etc ...

How many of these things be fulfilled? Who knows, the year is very long but it works against, and that then you are leaving because you think you have time and when you realize the 2011 is here XD Anyway

people I said, happy new year!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Pattycake Planet Suzy

XD First post of 2010 New Year's Goals

my first post in the new year to see * _ *, 31 ~ was cute, from my balcony is half the city, then the fires were artificial everywhere * _ * it was very nice * _ * We clean
new year, and ended up killing me xx arm, but now rested and improved a bit, which I have is to let it rest more xx, and then fix my sewing parlor is a mess, nya xx;
was making a list of cosplays to do this year, and I need some wigs ... bqto'll go see if I can get, because the quota of internet is still very little, and Peter does not want to use everything, but it will leave a part of him ... lolita and things I want, wigs ... I have not decided yet what to buy> \u0026lt;try to see if I get my credit card and my internet dollars, but I am very confident xx, I really hope to find some wigs here, as are short so there is possibility ~ xx mood;
Finally! I was happy to do the cosplay Luka, and I said, ahhh, that will calm me for a while, but nothing, and I wanted to do another cosplay OO;;;; and the manito damaged because I can not do -.-;;; anything so as better to me! I can not make cosplays, I have to do first that I was told to do, which I paid and everything. _., but when I have those well-developed, I get to finish the Gemini, which I have it all cut and just need to sew and finish painting the sword ... the hat is ready and the other is missing is the end of the strap oo, in short, is well under way * _ * I have to fix also the owner of peach to take pictures, which already has more than one AN or I did and nothing xx;;;
Anyway, I have not decided whether to buy my usakumyas or leave the money for wigs ... Aish what a difficult> \u0026lt;is that my usakumyas ... but the wigs ... Wai ~ >\u0026lt;!!!