Friday, February 26, 2010

Why Does Alabama Have A 12 On The Helmet

Green Lantern: First Flight

Well, another event that allows me to open the first inning on another of my great passions, American comics, and one of my favorite series, Green Lanter.'s Finally come to Spain one of the latest DC Comics animated films, GREEN LANTERN: FIRST FLIGHT , translated here as "Green Lantern: First Flight" (thanks to those who take to the decision n to keep the original name * _ *). Published by Warner Spain in double format layer and 2-disc special edition, with more than 2 hours of extra content. The official price is 12 €, but I found it in Media Markt for € 9.99, a bargain truth.

Despite the liberties taken, the film is very entertaining and does not run (in my opinion) against the fans of this legendary comic book series. As expected is full of cameos by familiar characters, with varying degrees of prominence (some not even talk, but by design know who they are), which is appreciated.

As I have said many liberties taken, from changing the source of green energy, or skills of the Guardians, to place in the universe Qward normal rather than antimatter in the universe. The Oath of the Green Lantern also has a different role in this film, one of the few things that do bother me, but I do not want to bust one of these little things.

The Castilian version has a VERY good dubbing, but I recognized many voices, there are few that I have associated with a name, and I have not yet found any place where you listen the voice actors. A yes I was easily recognized Avanthay Isabel Fernandez ( link), voice actress who played Faith on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or Tannis McTaggart on "15 Love" among many other roles, and that this movie plays Boodikka.

Overall a great dubbing allows you to see the movie with no scares or translation Castilian rare. Have left things in the original "Green Lantern" or "Coast City", while others have been half adapted, as the Green Lantern Corps, or the oath, which Instead of using the English comic book, have re-translated to rhyme, as the original.

(Kilowog and Ch'p)
(Ch'p ... we miss you! Back! But not as a Black Lantern, bucking XD)

Both extra hours are based on reports and discussions on concetpo author of "Green Lantern", the guardians, Sinestro (translated as Loss in the Castilian version) and others. Some announcements and reports on other animated films like "Batman and Superman: Public Enemy" (Which has gone on sale while the film) or "Wonder Woman." Finally comes the special episode of Duck Rogers (Daffy Duck in these parts) that becomes a Green Lantern xD.

Overall I liked it and recommend it to any fan of Green Lanern or comics in general.



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