Thursday, February 4, 2010

Power Cord For Itouch

Depressor Don Teddy!

Those who know me a long time or have read some of the entries or comments I have written to the avatar I'm writing this and have noticed my love for this style of drawing, which is nothing Masy nothing less than the work of English artist Cels Piñol, author of world famous " ; Fanhunter "which has given rise to novels, figures, role plays and countless stories.

Zaino also for many years of drawing comic strips in comics publisher Marvel Comics published in Spain by Forum, called "Fan with Cream" and "Lethal Fan" which was parodied / recounted the pros and cons of being a fan of comics in the world today.

The list goes on and work from a "Parents Guide to babies with rare" call "BB Plan" (whose cover you can see right), a novel written and "Drawing the Sounds," a novel also about fatherhood in a world so dangerous to the fan means and the "universe" Fanhunter.

Well, among all the marketing that produced their work, I always, ALWAYS, had wanted a toy that was released with the image of Don depressor, a character with a lot of bad luck, very jester and more short-sighted to Mister Magoo. In short, a character that I have to speak later in another post to not unduly lengthen this ^ ^.

But between living in a city that then had a single library specializing in comics (and carried by a pair of edges), and as a young student I was difficult to go to classrooms of the comic in Madrid or Barcelona, I never got to see this toy in stores, much less purchase.

Today, someone very special mailed me, nothing Masy no less, one of the last 6 stuffed animals that are available:

That person who é He knows who he is, THANK , but I can not leave in two inkwell filled with gratitude BIG HUGS to [info] darksyx and [info] Lusten , because without their help this would not have been possible ^ ^. Before concluding

I leave a link to the official website of Fanhunter .



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