Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Took A Pikachu Today

The Order of the Stick

Hello again! Long ago they did not put any new entry and he was playing (in fact it will come back soon xD). On this occasion I would like to talk about a web-comic book fan that I am a long time, The Order of the Stick (The Order of the Stick), creation of Rich Burlew since 2003, and today has over 700 strips published.

While it might seem that a game is illustrated in comic role, in reality the story is based in a world where everything (people, objects, laws of nature, etc) due to standards typical of an RPG, especially Dungeons & Dragons and derivatives.

By this I mean that the characters belong to distiintas classes, which have points of life and experience that they gain levels and weapons and abilities, and much more.

The protagonists, a group of adventurers called the Order of the Stick are Elan, the poet who pushes your buttons to anyone; Durkon , a dwarf cleric servant of Thor; Haley, the mischievous who always gets his way; Belka, the "medium" who personified the phrase " with friends like these, what I enemies", The sorcerer elf Vaarsuvius (V for short) with berborrea twisted his, and Roy , the warrior and leader.

While the characters at first seem stereotypes without much background, over the adventures you discover they are characters with their inner world and what parecíaa first sight the fact that all are the same adventure webcomic, not comics autoconclusivas helps create a more complex world in which you just getting beyond repair.

would talk for hours each spoiler xD I do not want anyone, because the intention of this post is to announce this webcomic to those who do not know. The author and the same comic has several articles in Wikipedia (English version, of course) and even an own wiki! The penalty for those who do not know English is that only in that language, and no translations, but lots of word games would be lost if you translate the truth ..

issued every few days, but no exact periodicity, and is highly recommended if you do not have much knowledge about RPGs. You laugh a montóny is very entertaining.

currently published in the author's website: Giant in the Playground , web to which I have placed a banner with a link to the right of this journal, so that you have easy access. Hope

you like it!


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