Monday, September 14, 2009

Wedding Seating Plan Template

So Many Things ~ ~ ~

Well well, so long taaaaaaaaaaaantas write and things that have happened ... XDDD starting with my wedding dress I finished on time, the owner came to me at time tb (at the hairline, and I go look q), and although not entirely convinced as I was, therefore, was not evil (the owner). kedo very cute decor, let me eat * _ * Photos kedaron pretty well (but laziness has led me to choose which send to print xx;;; eto ... q mas ... ahh! my pink shoes arrived just a day before the wedding, TIMP accurate to take my honeymoon * _ * and I used when I went to the Opera de Paris, and took photos cute * _ * well I went to the store BTSSB and there I spent most of the money jojojojoj * _ * q mas ... So I bought a lot of stuff, I visited many places, and had a great * _ * live in Paris >\u0026lt;;;; kiero always decĂ­aa Pedrito, and "no, not me Like Paris, the French French ~ ~ ~ "and now he's saying q kiere live there and learn French in ¬ ¬ -.- so stupid! yeah, a lot of stuff * _ *
Ok, then return q, THE HECK! Well, my mom kiso help with the move and that, well, but ... aish is q. .. >\u0026lt;;;; As she is, likes to put everything in boxes and now ... DISASTER xx; still do not know where to put my lace >\u0026lt;;;; and the house is not completely ready, we had q buy some things, and the room and bathrooms no curtains, the table is not ready ... xx; aghhh q that is what bothers me about this country are so weak ... q had been over for centuries, and as I got lazy, was delayed and did not give me any time I move, I q q let my mom moved around, and finally ... q >\u0026lt;;;; aish what things were ready in May and closets ¬¬+++ ahh are not there but we put q do not know how, and my dad only has the weekends and neighbors from noise kejan dammit -.- -.-
Finally! on another note, there means arranged the little room to sewing costumes for the event, at the end we change x other xq q was not time to make Keri, were more complicated q xx;;; the q we were well facilitated, but as Alita did not come to learn the dance in Rotterdam, we had to replace it, q we learned in about 2 days, and obviously, we ekivocamos xq missed some steps a little more practice xx; ;; kedamos xq chopped ekivocamos us there, so keremos do it again, but we will of 4 people -.- and 5 in the group are alite OO got bribed 2 others to join ~ ~ ~ Fine, we'll guide them seishun bus * _ * and as October is the event in Valencia, will there Rotter, xq and learned I had half ¬ ¬ + + + In short, I write very ugly xq tired to write here. and I have no internet in my house ToT just get my mom would say to put it, xq q is annoying to have to come to the house of my parents ever use q kiera xx;;;
Finally! I'm learning to cook (simple things), and for now I'm doing well * _ * has not been kedado Kemado nothing nothing ugly * _ * only a little rough rice xq kedo sake it soon, but in order xx, and Peter took hold of my mouse ¬¬+++ now I have to clean the apt. (Someday), finished out the boxes and stuff ... q is putting the closet, xq is annoying to have your clothes in suitcases >\u0026lt;;;; to see when it will be xx;;; buenop
And, as I have no camcorder, and my friend filmed q always dances was not this event, no video xx;;, but we took some pictures Muchik on stage, and Peter tb made us shoot, and there are some aki q ~ ~ ~


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