Monday, September 28, 2009

Constant Itch On Pubic Area

~ ~ ~ ~ Lotsa stuffs

Waahhh ... I Decided to give up on the 3 usakumyas uu for now, the mail here is Not fun at all, & I Have not Been Able events to look for my mini-mini yet xx;;; so, it's best to let it Be uu, for now> \u0026lt;
On Another note (why am I writing in Inglés? the heck oO) anyway, as I said ... recently I was watching footage of decololi ~ ~ ~ and caused me to try some day OO course, is not something that often usaríaa ... is more like a once in a lifetime \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; and pink wig Muchik * _ * anyway, I have to buy fabric xx;, I hope to find some nice and not too expensive (difficult xX;) in order ... if I can, I will use to buy my red sailor, and then I start to do the 3 dresses when fixing the boudoir * _ * but I have to start with in order to Muchik \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;;! ahhh true, there is a convention ... ehhh ... November? anyway ... I'm thinking to see if I could finish my cosplay of Jeanne and I oo is free entry and nu XDDD that's okay or if so Jeanne could use for October and leave the decololi November, anyway ... anyway ... then! Chinese go to the mall to buy stuff kawaii hair and that * _ * and may do some, but do not know ... depends on how it is with time and order in the house xx;;;
AHHH! talking about the house! we have curtains in the room * _ * kawaii * _ * but not yet put the closet xx;;, in this week we will see if we, and we will bring the furniture, because it is annoying not xX have furniture, in order ... Well, here we go ... when we put the closet, the clothes end up going to return the suitcase to my mom and to order a little parlor xx;;, then we need to bring the table, and paint but pass another layer qe \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;, and since, as we will soon have the house pretty * _ * What I do see far is the shower curtain, _, we have to keep wetting everything every time we bathe xx;;;
Ah, I cooked * _ * you see? I'm not bad cooking * _ * clear, I am learning, but so far nothing has been ugly ugly ~ only the chicken was a little bland, but it was ugly \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;; finally, little by little ~ ~ ~ and then, I've learned ~ ~ ~ ~ yay
Ahhh right ... well, I've eaten well and that but ... * Sigh * I miss eating it, _, of course, I eat what I want, but that is, eto ... or ... hmmm ... like ... pizza! sushi! -.- I have to eat out now ... ahhh that exaggerated, I have just about 3 weeks without eating out, xq in Paris we ate out all the time \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; but still ... I miss the sushi, _, and wanted to buy rice to try the sushi here and Peter would not let me -.- good thing is that I have no algae and that XD but when you go to the mall Chinese buy ingredients for sushi and noodles * _ * * _ * ramen the other day we had a yummy ramen and kedo * _ * with meat and potatoes and that \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;;
Right now I'm at work Pedro, stealing internet> D my students did not come (or came later? uu never know;) so I left the job and came -.- -.- wth insurance were late, but all?? all late?? good, there were saying that there was traffic ... anyway ... perhaps I should wait a little longer? but Pedrito was in a hurry because he has classes here, and if I had not arrived, I was there alone ... anyway ... last week I arrived late and they waited for me, maybe I should do the same ... I feel a little bad about it, but is ... in fact, not whether they were or not, and it was time for the second class and did not come \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;, hmmm do not know ... Well, like what's done is done -.-;;;; no way do things xx -.-;;;;; aish, but this morning came all too late! maso only came at about the time, so I did not go -.- but wth! ¬¬+++ in Anyway ... who cares -.- alike are in 5th semester, you should know by now that if they wait for a client, the client goes and seeks other people -.- right? \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; Therefore no way ._.;;;
OH! lolitas of Vzla. We are organizing a session sewing, kawaii * _ * do * _ * kawaii stuff but no place or date is decided, because not many can come to Valencia, and me I can not bring all my machines Caracas xx,,, in short, if I can only do in Caracas to take some stuff xx;;, well, we'll see \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; hmmm maybe I made a dress to wear on the sewing session * _ * well, I'm saying for some time that wearing lolita weekend, and I bought a little shirt for me and not a cutsew I have \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; and I have to get it, but I've been busy with the house xx;;; well! I will kawaii dresses nyohohohohoh * _ * and see if tomorrow we spend looking at my mini-mini before I miss ... if I have lost >\u0026lt;;;;


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