Sunday, September 20, 2009

Can I Sue For False Arrest?

Cooking with Love oO;

Ok, so! I'm learning to cook, and asked several things to my mom, and wanted to make a steak with mushrooms, then I asked my mom to buy me ~ ~ ~ meat and then she says, " ; Ohhh, come tomorrow and cook together ~ ~ ~ "me:" Oook oki, if you ~ "tonka call me in the morning and says," oohhh bqto I will leave you ~ ~ ~ q ingredients here to make the steak with mushrooms for all ~ ~ ~ lalala ~ ~ ~ "Me: Nani oO;;;
Anyways! So off I go to cook ~ ~ ~ tonka! my mom left me the steak seasoned rice ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ made for my own cooking there oO;;, in short, Kaki helped me wash and cut the mushrooms and then made the salad ~ ~ ~ I did pedro meat and helped prepare me ~ ~ ~ eto mushrooms, cook and stuff ... then when we take the cream, q pedro said was much> \u0026lt;xq, we follow a recipe and there x decĂ­ay wahhh> \u0026lt;pedro bad -.- the end was good, and kedo rich food * _ * but like ... Well, what I missed was seasoning the meat, but it is still as if he had not made me -.- -.- and Buruccho Puu said: do not cook you, my mom did everything ~ ~ ~ your only rode ~ ~ ~ but q course not!> \u0026lt;ToT bad. _. kieren I do not cook more -.- -.- -.- hmph anyway, tasty kedo * _ * and it's something a little more advanced, q q always ate those things, breaded chicken or beef q cooked and round and round and the rice -.- -.- and always wanted to make mashed potatoes, but my ma made rice. _. finally! my ma gave me a cookbook and I saw several recipes q kiero do ~ ~ ~ y Pork will wahahaha>: D xq, here is no longer eat pork xq my ma now an Adventist, tonka puuu -.- in my house if I saw recetitas ~ ~ ~ kawaii nyohohohoh pork * _ * and well, now. _. I'll cook pretty things -.- and yay ~ ~ ~


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