Monday, September 28, 2009

Constant Itch On Pubic Area

~ ~ ~ ~ Lotsa stuffs

Waahhh ... I Decided to give up on the 3 usakumyas uu for now, the mail here is Not fun at all, & I Have not Been Able events to look for my mini-mini yet xx;;; so, it's best to let it Be uu, for now> \u0026lt;
On Another note (why am I writing in Inglés? the heck oO) anyway, as I said ... recently I was watching footage of decololi ~ ~ ~ and caused me to try some day OO course, is not something that often usaríaa ... is more like a once in a lifetime \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; and pink wig Muchik * _ * anyway, I have to buy fabric xx;, I hope to find some nice and not too expensive (difficult xX;) in order ... if I can, I will use to buy my red sailor, and then I start to do the 3 dresses when fixing the boudoir * _ * but I have to start with in order to Muchik \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;;! ahhh true, there is a convention ... ehhh ... November? anyway ... I'm thinking to see if I could finish my cosplay of Jeanne and I oo is free entry and nu XDDD that's okay or if so Jeanne could use for October and leave the decololi November, anyway ... anyway ... then! Chinese go to the mall to buy stuff kawaii hair and that * _ * and may do some, but do not know ... depends on how it is with time and order in the house xx;;;
AHHH! talking about the house! we have curtains in the room * _ * kawaii * _ * but not yet put the closet xx;;, in this week we will see if we, and we will bring the furniture, because it is annoying not xX have furniture, in order ... Well, here we go ... when we put the closet, the clothes end up going to return the suitcase to my mom and to order a little parlor xx;;, then we need to bring the table, and paint but pass another layer qe \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;, and since, as we will soon have the house pretty * _ * What I do see far is the shower curtain, _, we have to keep wetting everything every time we bathe xx;;;
Ah, I cooked * _ * you see? I'm not bad cooking * _ * clear, I am learning, but so far nothing has been ugly ugly ~ only the chicken was a little bland, but it was ugly \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;; finally, little by little ~ ~ ~ and then, I've learned ~ ~ ~ ~ yay
Ahhh right ... well, I've eaten well and that but ... * Sigh * I miss eating it, _, of course, I eat what I want, but that is, eto ... or ... hmmm ... like ... pizza! sushi! -.- I have to eat out now ... ahhh that exaggerated, I have just about 3 weeks without eating out, xq in Paris we ate out all the time \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; but still ... I miss the sushi, _, and wanted to buy rice to try the sushi here and Peter would not let me -.- good thing is that I have no algae and that XD but when you go to the mall Chinese buy ingredients for sushi and noodles * _ * * _ * ramen the other day we had a yummy ramen and kedo * _ * with meat and potatoes and that \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;;
Right now I'm at work Pedro, stealing internet> D my students did not come (or came later? uu never know;) so I left the job and came -.- -.- wth insurance were late, but all?? all late?? good, there were saying that there was traffic ... anyway ... perhaps I should wait a little longer? but Pedrito was in a hurry because he has classes here, and if I had not arrived, I was there alone ... anyway ... last week I arrived late and they waited for me, maybe I should do the same ... I feel a little bad about it, but is ... in fact, not whether they were or not, and it was time for the second class and did not come \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;, hmmm do not know ... Well, like what's done is done -.-;;;; no way do things xx -.-;;;;; aish, but this morning came all too late! maso only came at about the time, so I did not go -.- but wth! ¬¬+++ in Anyway ... who cares -.- alike are in 5th semester, you should know by now that if they wait for a client, the client goes and seeks other people -.- right? \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; Therefore no way ._.;;;
OH! lolitas of Vzla. We are organizing a session sewing, kawaii * _ * do * _ * kawaii stuff but no place or date is decided, because not many can come to Valencia, and me I can not bring all my machines Caracas xx,,, in short, if I can only do in Caracas to take some stuff xx;;, well, we'll see \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; hmmm maybe I made a dress to wear on the sewing session * _ * well, I'm saying for some time that wearing lolita weekend, and I bought a little shirt for me and not a cutsew I have \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; and I have to get it, but I've been busy with the house xx;;; well! I will kawaii dresses nyohohohohoh * _ * and see if tomorrow we spend looking at my mini-mini before I miss ... if I have lost >\u0026lt;;;;

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Boss Metal Core Cheapest

She's out !!!!!!!!! No money & I Haff ToT

ToT Ahhh so sad! Finally, the last piece of my collection is available ~ after my uskumya BUYING, I Thought I was happy... Until I saw... mini & mini-mini!!! OMG!!! I need them!!! ToT!!! but, they were all sold out ._. even in communities where ppl sell stuffs, I couldn't find them... so I gave up ._. & then!!! mini-mini is out again!!! OMG!!! I buy it!!! So, I went & bought it... with mom's card o.o luckily, it passed & now she's here, somewhere in Valencia waiting for me to haff some free time to pick her up... ahhh my mini-mini~~~ so pretty~~~ & then... mini is out!!! just now!!! today!!! the final one!!! & just today, mom scolded me for using her card so I can't use it anymore ToT why??????? just one left ToT!!! So now... I need to figure out a way... to find the dollars, but!!! if I buy someone's internet dollars, it's too much money... & i definitely can't afford it x.x;;; because now I gotta pay for my own stuff x.x; & Pedro & I make very little money x.x;;; so!!! it's so close & yet so far... my 3 usakumya collection ToT *sigh* well, pedro did say we could use the money ppl gave us to buy internet dollars, but... when we got here, it was almost all gone ._. *siiiiiiiiigh* so, I gues... I might haff to give up on it for now... maybe someday, in the future, I can get it... if it's available by then ._. *sigh* my usakumya ToT!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Can I Sue For False Arrest?

Cooking with Love oO;

Ok, so! I'm learning to cook, and asked several things to my mom, and wanted to make a steak with mushrooms, then I asked my mom to buy me ~ ~ ~ meat and then she says, " ; Ohhh, come tomorrow and cook together ~ ~ ~ "me:" Oook oki, if you ~ "tonka call me in the morning and says," oohhh bqto I will leave you ~ ~ ~ q ingredients here to make the steak with mushrooms for all ~ ~ ~ lalala ~ ~ ~ "Me: Nani oO;;;
Anyways! So off I go to cook ~ ~ ~ tonka! my mom left me the steak seasoned rice ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ made for my own cooking there oO;;, in short, Kaki helped me wash and cut the mushrooms and then made the salad ~ ~ ~ I did pedro meat and helped prepare me ~ ~ ~ eto mushrooms, cook and stuff ... then when we take the cream, q pedro said was much> \u0026lt;xq, we follow a recipe and there x decíay wahhh> \u0026lt;pedro bad -.- the end was good, and kedo rich food * _ * but like ... Well, what I missed was seasoning the meat, but it is still as if he had not made me -.- -.- and Buruccho Puu said: do not cook you, my mom did everything ~ ~ ~ your only rode ~ ~ ~ but q course not!> \u0026lt;ToT bad. _. kieren I do not cook more -.- -.- -.- hmph anyway, tasty kedo * _ * and it's something a little more advanced, q q always ate those things, breaded chicken or beef q cooked and round and round and the rice -.- -.- and always wanted to make mashed potatoes, but my ma made rice. _. finally! my ma gave me a cookbook and I saw several recipes q kiero do ~ ~ ~ y Pork will wahahaha>: D xq, here is no longer eat pork xq my ma now an Adventist, tonka puuu -.- in my house if I saw recetitas ~ ~ ~ kawaii nyohohohoh pork * _ * and well, now. _. I'll cook pretty things -.- and yay ~ ~ ~

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Water Proof Pool Gloves


WAAAAAHHHHHHH !!!!!!!! I have no internet, and as Pedrito work in the afternoon and I have work at night, every day I spend boring -.- kedarme Non alone in the house, always leaves me here at my parents, but aish what things ... there is nothing to do here and there are many mosquitoes -.- I do not know whether to stay alone in the apt. or kedarme equally here -.- -.- I'm bored and it's not something that has nothing to do, there are still things to ask muuuuuuuchas fit., I just do not do it alone -.- could kiero sewing, but with the disaster that is causing me -.- there could learn dancing as well, but tired after a while playing wii -.- bored after a while there is also -.- tv, no internet There ... and here is the internet, but what to do ... aish what things> \u0026lt;I aburridaaaaaaaa> \u0026lt;ToT !!!!!!!! kiero and suitable internet. and kiero closet to fix everything and get sewing -.- but no kiero tar alone all day> \u0026lt;ToT sux -.- xx ahhh what a bore, to see if tomorrow I get to fix and then start sewing or something. _. ToT

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wedding Seating Plan Template

So Many Things ~ ~ ~

Well well, so long taaaaaaaaaaaantas write and things that have happened ... XDDD starting with my wedding dress I finished on time, the owner came to me at time tb (at the hairline, and I go look q), and although not entirely convinced as I was, therefore, was not evil (the owner). kedo very cute decor, let me eat * _ * Photos kedaron pretty well (but laziness has led me to choose which send to print xx;;; eto ... q mas ... ahh! my pink shoes arrived just a day before the wedding, TIMP accurate to take my honeymoon * _ * and I used when I went to the Opera de Paris, and took photos cute * _ * well I went to the store BTSSB and there I spent most of the money jojojojoj * _ * q mas ... So I bought a lot of stuff, I visited many places, and had a great * _ * live in Paris >\u0026lt;;;; kiero always decíaa Pedrito, and "no, not me Like Paris, the French French ~ ~ ~ "and now he's saying q kiere live there and learn French in ¬ ¬ -.- so stupid! yeah, a lot of stuff * _ *
Ok, then return q, THE HECK! Well, my mom kiso help with the move and that, well, but ... aish is q. .. >\u0026lt;;;; As she is, likes to put everything in boxes and now ... DISASTER xx; still do not know where to put my lace >\u0026lt;;;; and the house is not completely ready, we had q buy some things, and the room and bathrooms no curtains, the table is not ready ... xx; aghhh q that is what bothers me about this country are so weak ... q had been over for centuries, and as I got lazy, was delayed and did not give me any time I move, I q q let my mom moved around, and finally ... q >\u0026lt;;;; aish what things were ready in May and closets ¬¬+++ ahh are not there but we put q do not know how, and my dad only has the weekends and neighbors from noise kejan dammit -.- -.-
Finally! on another note, there means arranged the little room to sewing costumes for the event, at the end we change x other xq q was not time to make Keri, were more complicated q xx;;; the q we were well facilitated, but as Alita did not come to learn the dance in Rotterdam, we had to replace it, q we learned in about 2 days, and obviously, we ekivocamos xq missed some steps a little more practice xx; ;; kedamos xq chopped ekivocamos us there, so keremos do it again, but we will of 4 people -.- and 5 in the group are alite OO got bribed 2 others to join ~ ~ ~ Fine, we'll guide them seishun bus * _ * and as October is the event in Valencia, will there Rotter, xq and learned I had half ¬ ¬ + + + In short, I write very ugly xq tired to write here. and I have no internet in my house ToT just get my mom would say to put it, xq q is annoying to have to come to the house of my parents ever use q kiera xx;;;
Finally! I'm learning to cook (simple things), and for now I'm doing well * _ * has not been kedado Kemado nothing nothing ugly * _ * only a little rough rice xq kedo sake it soon, but in order xx, and Peter took hold of my mouse ¬¬+++ now I have to clean the apt. (Someday), finished out the boxes and stuff ... q is putting the closet, xq is annoying to have your clothes in suitcases >\u0026lt;;;; to see when it will be xx;;; buenop
And, as I have no camcorder, and my friend filmed q always dances was not this event, no video xx;;, but we took some pictures Muchik on stage, and Peter tb made us shoot, and there are some aki q ~ ~ ~