Friday, December 23, 2005

Are Cats Allergic To Neosporin

! d euros!

Another year has celebrated the Christmas lottery, and like every year, I have not touched anything ¬ ¬ jeje. I have the consolation of who happens to lack made him more than me: D. All

the world, while the draw is being held, is aware of the numbers sung by the children, but the truth is that very few are the winners ... (As many people and so little reward! ¬ ¬)

Well! The truth is that I have nothing more to tell! : O
only wish you merry Christmas, and I'll tell you what happened on Christmas Eve! ;)

Upbeat Mood

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Tech Deck Online Sign Up

New layout!

Although other design I liked, I decided to change it to this one, which also is a Spuffy Layout xDD.
I still have many things to add to this new design, but for now it is so, because I just wanted to comment that I have updated to new design.
am looking photos from "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", to make icons and little things like that, but never do any, because I start to do, and never finished, because the hardest thing is to find the font
At last! And not far heard the bells of Christmas! Ainsss that dates so pretty! (Although for me, the best are those parties between February and March x'DDD)

Now that I look at the clock ... is not normal that people post at this time ... (Ie, maybe there are people who do) but I just got my house now, and as nu had taken the PC ...

And in my space dedicated to BtVS:
Ainss keeps getting more interesting series! And to think that I began to see the series since the fourth season and missed all this ... Mood


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Prolapsed Disc Pregnancy

Tuesday, 13! : O

Tuesday, 13! (And she did not want to hear! XDDD) day of bad luck? today?
bahh, I do not believe in anything like that, what you have to spend, you spend it on Tuesday 13 or Friday. Same with superstition, that if you pass under an open ladder is bad luck, which are black sgatos bad luck ... Nor
am a believer that ...
And for me, today is my lucky day because today was my last review of 2005! Oeoeoeo (you hear the fans xDD)
Since my remaining classes will be relax ... and that is, examinations or ceased, or I head exploded ...
exámenesssssssss Out!! Uff what a relief

xDD And Buffy ... ains that penita bigger! The poor had to kill Angel to save the world! sniff sniff! Of course the sadness will be short lived ...

That's all for today, I needed to vent somehow xDDD

Mood happy! If

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Cheap Seats Streaming

SSHE! Finally! Potter Release

! After days of intense distress (if you do not know how much ...) I managed to go to the cinema to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! (Applause).
I, personally, I loved the movie, although there are many people who say they left a lot to be desired. And while things like the Quidditch World Cup, or the death of Cedric pass very quickly, it is understandable not to leave ALL that is counted in the book because a book with so much content is impossible to capture on film in less than three hours.

Ainsss, that if it were me, I spent hours and hours watching the movie xDD.
Everything went exactly as I imagined while reading the book (except the appearance of Victor Krum (¬ ¬) and the eye of Alastor Moody)

And dancing .. q ainss potitooo x'DD Krum Especially that scene when Hermi raises the air!

Yes sir! Are already seeing signs Primeri Ron that Hermione interests you!
Wowowoowoo Hahaha, soon I get the vein HR / Rn xDDD. Is that nowadays there is none to remove this euphoria that I have

xDD! Fifth movie and want!
x'DDD I be able to endure so long without a new movie?

Mood Alegre

Friday, November 25, 2005

Transporting Drywall In Your Jeep Grand Cherokee

buenooo! But how quickly time passes! The weeks are flying me!
Anyway, I can only update the blog on weekends, because between weeks I have exams and stuff ...

Well! Why not? In my blog I have a little space to talk about the series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
The truth is that the first season I've had a very very fast (they are only 12 chapters) but ... we are in the second, with each chapter that passes, the more pon intresante thing. And I am watching Buffy, because I started to watch the series from the third season (yes it's weird me), but if he had seen the entire series, be sure to also see now x'DDD

Hmmm, and if it is ultimately the gnte me nervous is because:
1) I am trying not to eat more xDD
nails 2) I'm trying not to eat too BUTTER (just me xDDD)
3) I am stressed because of exams ( esl-long student life ...)
4) I am looking forward to nightfall to see Buffy, because the day I can not see.

y. .......

And what do I do? NADA, sitting at the computer, spend hours watching and thinking about those people who, while I nohago go, they see the movie ¬ ¬. Is that on opening day people crammed into the cinema, and run to buy tickets before they run out. Of course there are people smarter than me who have bought tickets in advance (¬¬).
Anyway ... nu Harry's wand is going to wear, so you can wait for me ... Mood


Friday, November 18, 2005

Cm 2 Days Before Period?

I'm alive!

! I'm still alive! This means that I did not fall for any cliff or anything like that .. but you would have to see the ways in which we had to walk ... and cold nu talk ... Ays, we'll leave that issue aside I'm starting to get cold

xDDD Well good! That the new Channel Four, are putting Buffy from the First Season! Uff what a joy! I began to see that the series since the Season ... because I know how it ends it, now will I know how it started: D

Well, apart from that there's nothing to comment ...
to another! Mood


Monday, November 7, 2005

How Do I Change The Language Of A Polish Game

That I'm alive!

Well ... if I had promised I would never leave this without upgrading ... but is that one day you feel like, you know not to tell other, other nu q touch the PC for anything ... if there is one thing to another, but always ends the day and I have not updated.

First of all ... have already started classes (and therefore have begun almost two months ago was the presentation xDD) Well, what is typical: I am delighted with the class, students, teachers ...
is because I have no other, or like me, or I stand up xDD
final course exams are something followed ... I'm not so worse agoviada to tear my hair xD

The truth is that the movie is fine, I liked a lot, and just wanted to finish watching that again put xDD.
Reminds me of Nightmare before Christmas, and Beetlejuice (man, if we consider that they are all the same person ...)
is the kind of film you usually like most people, and with songs, drama, laughter ...

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And finally ... ! This Friday I'm going camping! Weee x'DDD Every year we usually do at this time, and was hoping to spend the year to go back x'D. And tell you how I enjoyed it. And if not back to post anymore, is that I fell for a (¬¬)... precipisio to see who sends them to organize a walk so dangerous and long ...

Happy Mood

Saturday, September 3, 2005

How Does A Rabbit Find Light

From month to month and write because I have to ...

Well, the title says it all ... A whole month without updating! Madre mia ... And now I can not say you do not have things to tell, because in a month ...
If it was not was one thing for another, but always ended the day without being updated.
And in a month nobody has been here to leave a comment ... although I understand it, if I were a blog you do not update for so long, would not want to leave a comment.

In everything summer will have gone far to the beach, out there ... I went to the movies ... In short, everything a normal person usually does. But the good thing is just ... and now comes the start of the school ... to the same old routine ... A wake up early and study hard, attacking the nerves ...

This post was only to update the blog because I could not leave more than 1 month without updating. Besides that it is too late and the ideas do not flow well x'D for today and tomorrow I leave early leave something.

Mood Tired

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Where Should The Cervix Be 1 Week Before Period

Teeth, teeth, which is what j ***... xD

Yes, the thing today is teeth, and went to the dentist today to a controlling of these a year ... and I got so many things in their mouths until I could hardly repsirar and all ... Em end, everything is to have a healthy mouth xDDDDD
They put a fluoride of those and well ... I was deprived for 24 h to eat what I like ... xDD

Phew, I have mono BuffyTVS ... but in my spare time looking for pictures and things from the series so ... in the absence of bread is better than none. And the only good thing is that the series is over, is that I can surf the Internet and go to pages without fear of being spoiled

xD I've been making attempts to icons ... but the truth is that the results do not like ... meanwhile, continue practicing.

Another drawback is that today I lost the book! Noooo! Now that is interesting! xDDDDDDDD But anyway .. that's what internet to see what happened today

xD Nothing to tell, but I wanted to update the blog and not to leave.

Mood Tired