Saturday, December 17, 2005

Tech Deck Online Sign Up

New layout!

Although other design I liked, I decided to change it to this one, which also is a Spuffy Layout xDD.
I still have many things to add to this new design, but for now it is so, because I just wanted to comment that I have updated to new design.
am looking photos from "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", to make icons and little things like that, but never do any, because I start to do, and never finished, because the hardest thing is to find the font
At last! And not far heard the bells of Christmas! Ainsss that dates so pretty! (Although for me, the best are those parties between February and March x'DDD)

Now that I look at the clock ... is not normal that people post at this time ... (Ie, maybe there are people who do) but I just got my house now, and as nu had taken the PC ...

And in my space dedicated to BtVS:
Ainss keeps getting more interesting series! And to think that I began to see the series since the fourth season and missed all this ... Mood



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