Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Cheap Seats Streaming

SSHE! Finally! Potter Release

! After days of intense distress (if you do not know how much ...) I managed to go to the cinema to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! (Applause).
I, personally, I loved the movie, although there are many people who say they left a lot to be desired. And while things like the Quidditch World Cup, or the death of Cedric pass very quickly, it is understandable not to leave ALL that is counted in the book because a book with so much content is impossible to capture on film in less than three hours.

Ainsss, that if it were me, I spent hours and hours watching the movie xDD.
Everything went exactly as I imagined while reading the book (except the appearance of Victor Krum (¬ ¬) and the eye of Alastor Moody)

And dancing .. q ainss potitooo x'DD Krum Especially that scene when Hermi raises the air!

Yes sir! Are already seeing signs Primeri Ron that Hermione interests you!
Wowowoowoo Hahaha, soon I get the vein HR / Rn xDDD. Is that nowadays there is none to remove this euphoria that I have

xDD! Fifth movie and want!
x'DDD I be able to endure so long without a new movie?

Mood Alegre


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