Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Prolapsed Disc Pregnancy

Tuesday, 13! : O

Tuesday, 13! (And she did not want to hear! XDDD) day of bad luck? today?
bahh, I do not believe in anything like that, what you have to spend, you spend it on Tuesday 13 or Friday. Same with superstition, that if you pass under an open ladder is bad luck, which are black sgatos bad luck ... Nor
am a believer that ...
And for me, today is my lucky day because today was my last review of 2005! Oeoeoeo (you hear the fans xDD)
Since my remaining classes will be relax ... and that is, examinations or ceased, or I head exploded ...
exámenesssssssss Out!! Uff what a relief

xDD And Buffy ... ains that penita bigger! The poor had to kill Angel to save the world! sniff sniff! Of course the sadness will be short lived ...

That's all for today, I needed to vent somehow xDDD

Mood happy! If


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