Sunday, November 7, 2010 Review

em Oficialía Mayor questioned for possible non-transparent in Axtel

in Annex 4 referred to in the tender is sought:

Identify numbers and counties of origin in the United States automatically. That can only make a telephone company, using traditional telephony. But precludes the use of voice over IP can hire a call center in the U.S. and is cheaper and safer, as it sends the signal packaged. With this, plus the phone company could stay with the database of all expatriates and use it for commercial purposes. The tender calls
automatic identification of incoming cellular calls. This can only make a telephone company interconnected with each other. Axtel, being a carrier, has every chance to comply, no contact with any school wishing to participate in the licitacióny dependent transporters and implementation times.

Contestants also must be able to detect online the IP address of a user requesting quotes online. This service is not currently available in MEXITEL. This operation can be performed only in a very limited and impossible to audit, an Internet provider and depends on the access provider in the United States. Furthermore, it is necessary to first analyze the relevant information for the consulate, which hardly could exploit this information. Ask

immediate distance interconnection scheme of long distance, a fact that only one company may have to have a presence in other operators. A contact center depends 100% of a dealer and requires adherence to policies and procedures.
registration is required for charging for second (even if the pay per minute "round"), when the telephone company bills per minute. However, international operators among themselves are billed per second, making them a significant advantage. If that requirement, the first Cofetel should require telephone companies to bill the call center per second.

Axtel and Impulse companies participated in the study of market licitacióny have clearly influenced the process. The bases were privileged, as well as having cut times, including a series of clearly focused on technical require the winner to be a phone company and not a telephone contact center.

is striking that the Foreign Ministry has sought early start for those interested in bidding for MEXITEL, publishing surprisingly bases prior to the bridge on Friday, Nov. 2, to promote Axtel, who has been involved in the definition of the bases. The competition was also an accelerated process, in setting the minimum periods required by law to presentacióny delivery of proposals.

In this case, not only at stake is the honor of the Foreign Ministry for a possible case of corruption among authorities and Axtel. In addition, you risk MEXITEL operation so far has delivered good results and could cause complaints of consuls by improper operation.

biases bidding are obvious and make it clear that BE is seeking to exclude operator services providers so that only the telephone companies can compete. In addition, Axtel has probably secured the inclusion of other points that favor against rivals of equal conditions. Hurricane Alex


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