Monday, November 29, 2010

Can You Wax Proactive

Smallville Smallville ----

Truth chapter's comment was made by James Marshall, John Glover and Allison Mack.

1a. Scene ... Chloe and a man of Luthorcorp

James: It was shot over 2 nights
Allison: It was raining a lot, they filmed my part in the study. So instead of your hand and you see rain rain mine.
John: You're ruining for me jajajja
Allison Allison: I'm sorry .... that happens when you shoot in Vancouver

James: The lovely Allison Mack .......
John: Nice hair
Allison: You like it?! Scene

lab Luthorcorp

James: It was basically a hallway where we build the lab.
said they wanted a monkey and not a dog and Chloe immediately realized the power of the dust I inhale.
Chloe Scene
running to avoid getting caught n the Lab

Allison: This scene was very mad, because I had to run as fast as I continued to podíay golf cart shooting, but there was no nothing so if I fell or something I stumbled to the car trampling
James Allison did not double, did his own stunts.

During the credits

Allison: The band broke
John, who stayed with the house? jajaj
Allison: The beautiful faces of Smallville ..... the beautiful
Sam John: Allison
Allison: I look so young ...... [Photo by John Glover] John ...
John: Do not tell me how I look
Allison: You look very young
John: Thanks
Allison [photo Annette] Naty ... [Photo by John S] Johnny. Scene


James: It's a real school in Vancouver and filmed between classes. And students often make extras
Allison: It was a difficult episode, James and I talked about, because we wanted to show as bad or insensitive Chloe
James: This episode went through many rewrites. We knew if someone was forced to tell the truth was be funny. And the scene of Pete, Clark and Chloe at The Torch was fun to shoot.
Allison: I love when we're funny on the show. Scene

Lex and Lionel

James: I had a family emergency and this scene was filmed by Brian Knight
Allison: I love how they change the lights of what is Smallville and Metropolis that is .... a little colder ...............................
Michael is great! Scene

Chloe and Clark Kent enters the house

Martha James: It was the first scene we shot where someone should tell truth. I was so happy that Annette is the first I could analyze how could react to being forced to tell the truth. Your choices were great
John: Everything he does is great and it seems that neither was tried. Scene


John: I was never in the Talon
Allison: Never?
John: No
Allison: Kristin Rose again ...... I went shopping with her and showed her beautiful dresses (no pink) and I said I like but in another color jajaj
James: It's good for Tom what Kristin given, and if something goes wrong looking for ways to work School Scene

Miss Taylor and Chloe

John: What was your first job?
Allison: The first was a commercial and then was a line in Police Academy 6 ...... but I gave my first kiss on stage ... JoJo
John Adams: still in touch?
Allison: no, I remember I bought a necklace with a dolphin
John: How old? Allison
: 13
John: And was it good?
Allison: No, I was so nervous ... all looking

Next scene Chloe Clark (Chloe seeks out the cheerleader Mindy)

James: how can you be bitchy and cute at the Same Time?
John: A litlle nasty
Allison: Everyone has a dark side
John: But it's good-hearted
Allison: If

Scene Clark - Lex

Allison, Michael and Tom are great together ..... Michael is a madman comes and starts to breakdance .......
Michael brings out the fun in Tom because sometimes it is very serious
John: They are the Yin and Yan

Next scene Lana and Chloe

Allison: Kristin ....... It's one of my closest friends
John: We went on a triple date with Kristin and we saw that movie "The secretary" and was so ashamed if jajajja

John Allison: Always with a book
Allison: If
John: two have great chemistry
Alison: If

Scene Lex and Chloe

Allison: It was so funny film this scene .... I love all the scenes with Luthor Chloe
John: Michael is so good! Scene

elevator. hospital Pete, Clark and Chloe ... Chloe kisses Pete

Allison: It's an incredible scene ... Tom was still laughing behind us when Sam kissed me and we had to do like 20 times because Tom did not stop laughing during scenes

Clark and Pete

Allison: We had to shoot the end of chapter 3 times ... rewrote it three times and we had to re-shoot. In the 1st. Chloe looked very bad in the 2nd. Clark looked very bad and tried to find a balance

Chloe Scene and Lionel

Allison: I love working with you
James: They're great together
Allison always looks more mature with Lionel
John: It seems harder ...... I hope to see what happens next year
Allison: Hopefully fun
John Allison you like to play with the scenes
Allison: I love Scene

Clark who invented the cure

Allison: A Sometimes the dialogue is so difficult because it is so technical and you have to really know what you're saying

Scene Lionel and

Allison Clark: Clark seems to be the only one not afraid of Lionel
John: You Allison
not: we hide

Chloe in the car scene

John: You're doing well. My dear
Allison: Thanks
James: the car was actually hanging from the bridge down and inside Allison. We shot it that way
Allison: That scene was completely driven by James, I said "and now pushes you and hit you and you fall unconscious ..."

Scene Clark Chloe apologizes

James: There's a scene in which Clark does not accept the apology. But it seemed too strong and rerecorded the scene where Clark does accept the apology. The two scenes were great and bad they can not see the other because they are so talented, they did so well that it's a shame they can not see it. Tom Allison
..... I love to hug ... is so high
John: your confession was accepted
Allison: If .... forever. And it always feels so good to hug him.
John: Nice scene, did not know they had to shoot it twice
Allison: Yes, it was hard, it's always difficult when you have to re-shoot a scene because they never do the whole scene again, only parts.
John: did it all again
Allison: No
John: which parts ...
Allison: we shot the first part and the end is what did it again
John: Ahh I understand ... is difficult .... but they did well
Allison: Yeah ... I'm happy with how it looks.

Clark and Lana scene

Allison: We all have green eyes .... Michael, Kristin, Tom. John S and me. Tom seems qe are blue but are actually green. Last scene

Chloe learns that his message was deleted

James: This scene was so interesting. We did one take

ina John: You had a good season?
Allison: I loved this season
John: I spent a great time.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Miscarriage Sympathy Quotes

Truth chapter Review of chapter Rosetta

chapter Review of Rosetta (season 2). Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Greg Beeman and James Marshall.

Only the reference to Allison Mack or chloe

Scene Lana and Chloe at the Torch (Lana reads an email from Chloe)

start the comments that always chooses the pink Kristin

James: Big reveal about Allison Mack ... ... Did not we talk about her yet.

Michael: We talk about Allison

Kristin: She's amazing

Tom and James: She is

Michael Allison's brilliant

Greg: She's awesome

Michael: She’s fun, she’s pleasant

Greg: One thing about Allison...

Tom: She’s sneaky man... her character just sneaks up

Greg: If you have 5 takes and she has the same lines the 5 times... She will do it a different every single time and each of them is valid, great and she can use so many choices....   that you say which one I use.... they’re different but all good

Michael: Yeah... tons of craft

Michael: Great hair.... you know that her hair change every episode

James: Nice moment Between the girls here.

Scene outside the barn, Clark's eyes as fire, chloe comes with the car

Tom: Allison meat in eleven and ... ... the camera cut too Because We Were closet or the fire & hellip ; .. She jump in and pushed back. Scene

Clark-Chloe .. the Torch on Swan

James: This is a good scene entre Allison and Tom

Greg: This is when to Allison does it so well .... All the characters Have exposition parts ..... She always has to connect the dots with the story. There're Thousands of lines and it is Difficult

Michael: And make it real sound is hard

Greg: tons of lines and nailed it and the more she does it good the more They Give It to .. .. "Oh, she's the One That Makes good exposition ... Give them hey it more "

Scene Lana-Chloe (chloe wool packing up the family tree included in the co sister)

Greg. Love this scene

James: It was a very nice moment at the end of this scene

Greg: Great chemistry.

------------------------------------------------ ------------------
Rosetta: Comments by Al Gough and Miles Millar

Scene Chloe and Lana

Al: we wanted to show that there was a growing friendship and this wool scene sees Chloe's feelings remain.
show how the two of them live under the same roof, despite her feelings for Clark. This scene was very effective. They're both very good and in fact Allison and Kristin are very good friends which is good. Scene

Chloe - Clark The Torch

Al: Here is given the difference in Lex and her relationship with Clark, Lex seeks the truth power, Clark is the truth and Chloe is always looking for things to be naturally curious and that always brings conflict between her and Clark. This relationship is very funny and tense at the same time conflicts.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Determine Master Lock Combination

Comments episode EXILE - Smallville Smallville

Remarks by Alfred Gough (Al), Miles Millar (MM) , Kent Horton (K), Greg Beeman (G) and Michael Rosenbaum (M).
translated only the parts relating to Allison Mack and Chloe. First scene

Allison, Chloe enters the Talon to talk to Lana

to: The Allison haircut!
M: Yeah ..........
G: Volume 4 weeks to grow. Using extensions in the following chapters

Al: They have great chemistry (referring to Allison and Kristin)
In this episode, then tried to show how all the characters were adapted to the absence of Clark, as nearly three months without knowing it. Chloe being the only one who knew where he was. Scene

Caves, between Lionel and Chloe

M: Everybody hates filming in the caves. It is very difficult
MM: The space is very small and hard to do the scenes

Al: In this scene, we know that Chloe and Lionel made a pact, and this is where we show how the pact between them continued.
This episode gave so much to Allison to prepare your character for this season because Chloe was always tied to the pact
K: Allison and John spent a great time recording together. They are a great combo and can never be wrong.
MM: Lionel is the first time we show how an innocent possession and use and if you want to escape, as did Chloe tries to kill them. Scene

Chloe and Clark in Metropolis ....
his apartment

G: This scene was my favorite. It was the first we shot
K: It's a fantastic scene
By: Chloe did not stomp on Clark leaves, she confronts him and he cries and pushes against the wall
G: That's what As master of Allison and Chloe plays .... So strong
(still talking about Tom and then says)

That scene when pushed. In the first shot .... Tom stumbles and falls down on her two and Tom begins, "No, no, no ......." all worried and it was fine ... but it seemed very bad.
was a very visceral scene, Tom's eyes sparkled and we did not add any further effect ... was very good.

These were the parties referred to Allison and / or chloe. Greg Beeman clarified that not only was executive producer (along with Kent Horton), but also was the director of this chapter.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nicotine Patch Blisters

Endangered efficiency and service security company known MEXITEL

MEXITEL From birth, their objectives were basically the rows and reduce waiting times for services provided by consulates of Dallas and NY. Under ejecucióny successful operation of the program, it will spread to all consulates and managed to completely abate the problem faced some Mexican embassies in the vicinity of its facilities, namely the presence of long lines of people and therefore the improper sale of places and tokens of attention, the neighborhood claims and product sales street. But even more, has, through the distribution of appointments throughout the working day, manage and control the flow of people reached with a more orderly and efficient, avoiding clusters inside the Consulate and the inherent conflicts arising from this situation. Has generated vital operational information for better planning of the lag in consular work, significantly improving operational picture of the Consulates in major cities. The service has evolved so much, to the point that today we have a team of dual service operators, this means that in addition to supporting phone, have the experience and ability to react immediately and physically travel various consulates in the U.S., in order to give direct support to special events and opening of new services.

"MEXITEL, is the response of the SRE some consulates faced a number of inherent problems given the growth in demand formalities in the U.S. consulates in Mexico: long lines at consulates around, and point of sale locations;
food vendors and neighborhood complaints. In this situation, in 2006, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) in conjunction with Toptel put in place, as a pilot, a call center to meet the demand for passports and consular plates, where E hese two more documents issued by the consulates of Mexico in the United States through a toll free number for the user, through which it provides information on requirements for issue exchange of these two documents and if the user confirms to have these requirements, you will schedule an appointment (with exact dates and times) for processing. Notably

MEXITEL starts operating at the Consulate of Mexico in Dallas and New York on September 27, 2006. Subsequently, the service is spreading Consulates blocks, up to 52 consulates to date. "

should MEXITEL to continue under the existing terms until such time as the BE can not publish a clear basis and to ensure continuity of service has now been handled. It should also ensure that free competition ensure the best possible price.

The process has raised many concerns and doubts. The companies participating in the tender have been made to SRE hundreds of consultations, which have not been answered today. Given the above, the SRE is further delaying the continuation of the procedure. Under these circumstances can not win the contest.

The contract between the SRE and TOPTEL end on December 31, 2010 due to an extension of validity and MEXITEL Program currently is in the process of bidding. The how they published the rules of this Licitacióny the same content, leaving out several major aspects in the preparation of these bases, which seriously impair MEXITEL service.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Abscess Tooth And Sepsis


Season 1 - 6.4 million
1. Pilot (10/16/01) - Viewers: 8.4 million
2. Metamorphosis (10/23/01) - Viewers: 7.3 million
3. Hothead (10/30/01) - Viewers: 6.0 million
4. X-Ray (11/06/01) - Viewers: 6.6 million
5. Cool (11/13/01) - Viewers: 5.9 million
6. Hourglass (11/20/01) - Viewers: 6.4 million
7. Craving (11/27/01) - Viewers: 7.4 million
8. Jitters (12/11/01) - Viewers: 5.8 million
9. Rogue (1/15/02) - Viewers: 5.8 million
10. Shimmer (1/29/02) - Viewers: 7.0 million
11. Hug (2/05/02) - Viewers: 6.4 million
12. Leech (2/12/02) - Viewers: 6.1 million
13. Kinetic (2/26/02) - Viewers: 6.2 million
14. Zero (3/12/02) - Viewers: 6.9 million
15. Nicodemus (3/19/02) - Viewers: 6.7 million
16. Stray (4/16/02) - Viewers: 6.0 million
17. Reaper (4/23/02) - Viewers: 5.5 million
18. Drone (4/30/02) - Viewers: 5.7 million
19. Crush (5/07/02) - Viewers: 6.4 million
20. Obscura (5/14/02) - Viewers: 6.1 million
21. Tempest (5/21/02) - Viewers: 6.0 million

Season 2 - 7.8 million
1. Vortex (9/24/02) - Viewers: 8.7 million
2. Heat (10/01/02) - Viewers: 8.1 million
3. Duplicity (10/08/02) - Viewers: 8.8 million
4. Red (10/15/02) - Viewers: 8.9 million
5. Nocturne (10/22/02) - Viewers: 8.3 million
6. Redux (10/29/02) - Viewers: 8.2 million
7. Lineage (11/05/02) - Viewers: 9.4 million
8. Ryan (11/12/02) - Viewers: 7.4 million
9. Dichotic (11/19/02) - Viewers: 8.3 million
10. Skinwalker (11/26/02) - Viewers: 8.6 million
11. Visage (1/14/03) - Viewers: 7.3 million
12. Insurgence (1/21/03) - Viewers: 6.6 million
13. Suspect (1/28/03) - Viewers: 7.5 million
14. Rush (2/04/03) - Viewers: 8.1 million
15. Prodigal (2/11/03) - Viewers: 7.4 million
16. Fever (2/18/03) - Viewers: 7.9 million
17. Rosetta (2/25/03) - Viewers: 8.7 million
18. Visitor (4/15/03) - Viewers: 5.9 million
19. Precipice (4/22/03) - Viewers: 6.7 million
20. Witness (4/29/03) - Viewers: 6.5 million
21. Accelerate (5/06/03) - Viewers: 7.0 million
22. Calling (5/13/03) - Viewers: 7.1 million
23. Exodus (5/20/03) - Viewers: 7.5 million

Season 3 - 5.6 million
1. Exile (10/01/03) - Viewers: 6.8 million
2. Phoenix (10/08/03) - Viewers: 6.7 million
3. Extinction (10/15/03) - Viewers: 6.5 million
4. Slumber (10/22/03) - Viewers: 6.9 million
5. Perry (10/29/03) - Viewers: 6.7 million
6. Relic (11/05/03) - Viewers: 6.7 million
7. Magnetic (11/12/03) - Viewers: 6.9 million
8. Shattered (11/19/03) - Viewers: 6.4 million
9. Asylum (1/14/04) - Viewers: 5.6 million
10. Whisper (1/21/04) - Viewers: 5.1 million
11. Delete (1/28/04) - Viewers: 5.5 million
12. Hereafter (2/04/04) - Viewers: 5.3 million
13. Velocity (2/11/04) - Viewers: 5.0 million
14. Obsession (2/18/04) - Viewers: 5.3 million
15. Resurrection (2/25/04) - Viewers: 4.9 million
16. Crisis (3/03/04) - Viewers: 5.3 million
17. Legacy (4/14/04) - Viewers: 4.5 million
18. Truth (4/21/04) - Viewers: 4.4 million
19. Memoria (4/28/04) - Viewers: 4.3 million
20. Talisman (5/05/04) - Viewers: 4.7 million
21. Forsaken (5/12/04) - Viewers: 4.5 million
22. Covenant (5/19/04) - Viewers: 5.9 million

Season 4 - 5.0 million
1. Crusade (9/22/04) - Viewers: 6.1 million
2. Gone (9/29/04) - Viewers: 5.7 million
3. Façade (10/06/04) - Viewers: 5.5 million
4. Devoted (10/13/04) - Viewers: 6.2 million
5. Run (10/20/04) - Viewers: 5.4 million
6. Transference (10/27/04) - Viewers: 5.7 million
7. Jinx (11/03/04) - Viewers: 5.0 million
8. Spell (11/10/04) - Viewers: 5.5 million
9. Bound (11/17/04) - Viewers: 5.1 million
10. Scare (12/01/04) - Viewers: 4.9 million
11. Unsafe (1/26/05) - Viewers: 4.2 million
12. Pariah (2/02/05) - Viewers: 4.8 million
13. Recruit (2/09/05) - Viewers: 4.9 million
14. Krypto (2/16/05) - Viewers: 5.1 million
15. Sacred (2/23/05) - Viewers: 5.3 million
16. Lucy (3/02/05) - Viewers: 4.5 million
17. Onyx (4/13/05) - Viewers: 3.8 million
18. Spirit (4/20/05) - Viewers: 4.4 million
19. Blank (4/27/05) - Viewers: 4.6 million
20. Ageless (5/04/05) - Viewers: 4.5 million
21. Forever (5/11/05) - Viewers: 4.0 million
22. Commencement (5/18/05) - Viewers: 5.5 million

Season 5 - 5.3 million
1. Arrival (9/29/05) - Viewers: 5.9 million
2. Mortal (10/06/05) - Viewers: 5.8 million
3. Hidden (10/13/05) - Viewers: 5.9 million
4. Aqua (10/20/05) - Viewers: 6.4 million
5. Thirst (10/27/05) - Viewers: 5.8 million
6. Exposed (11/03/05) - Viewers: 5.4 million
7. Splinter (11/10/05) - Viewers: 5.5 million
8. Solitude (11/17/05) - Viewers: 6.0 million
9. Lexmas (12/08/05) - Viewers: 5.4 million
10. Fanatic (1/12/06) - Viewers: 5.5 million
11. Lockdown (1/19/06) - Viewers: 4.9 million
12. Reckoning (1/26/06) - Viewers: 6.3 million
13. Vengeance (2/02/06) - Viewers: 5.4 million
14. Tomb (2/09/06) - Viewers: 5.4 million
15. Cyborg (2/16/06) - Viewers: 6.2 million
16. Hypnotic (3/30/06) - Viewers: 4.8 million
17. Void (4/06/06) - Viewers: 4.2 million
18. Fragile (4/13/06) - Viewers: 3.9 million
19. Mercy (4/20/06) - Viewers: 4.4 million
20. Fade (4/27/06) - Viewers: 4.3 million
21. Oracle (5/04/06) - Viewers: 4.8 million
22. Vessel (5/11/06) - Viewers: 4.9 million

Season 6 - 4.5 million
1. Zod (9/28/06) - Viewers: 5.0 million
2. Sneeze (10/05/06) - Viewers: 4.5 million
3. Wither (10/12/06) - Viewers: 4.9 million
4. Arrow (10/19/06) - Viewers: 4.7 million
5. Reunion (10/26/06) - Viewers: 4.8 million
6. Fallout (11/02/06) - Viewers: 5.0 million
7. Rage (11/09/06) - Viewers: 4.5 million
8. Static (11/16/06) - Viewers: 4.7 million
9. Subterranean (12/07/06) - Viewers: 4.3 million
10. Hydro (1/11/07) - Viewers: 4.7 million
11. Justice (1/18/07) - Viewers: 5.3 million
12. Labyrinth (1/25/07) - Viewers: 5.0 million
13. Crimson (2/01/07) - Viewers: 4.9 million
14. Trespass (2/08/07) - Viewers: 4.7 million
15. Freak (2/15/07) - Viewers: 4.8 million
16. Promise (3/15/07) - Viewers: 4.7 million
17. Combat (3/22/07) - Viewers: 4.1 million
18. Progeny (4/19/07) - Viewers: 4.0 million
19. Nemesis (4/26/07) - Viewers: 3.9 million
20. Noir (5/03/07) - Viewers: 3.6 million
21. Prototype (5/10/07) - Viewers: 3.4 million
22. Phantom (5/17/07) - Viewers: 4.1 million

Season 7 - 4.2 million
1. Bizarro (9/27/07) - Viewers: 5.2 million
2. Kara (10/4/07) - Viewers: 4.6 million
3. Fierce (10/11/07) - Viewers: 4.8 million
4. Cure (10/18/07) - Viewers: 5.2 million
5. Action (10/25/07) - Viewers: 4.7 million
6. Lara (11/1/07) - Viewers: 4.4 million
7. Wrath (11/8/07) - Viewers: 4.6 million
8. Blue (11/15/07) - Viewers: 4.5 million
9. Gemini (12/13/07) - Viewers: 3.7 million
10. Persona (1/31/08) - Viewers: 3.8 million
11. Siren (2/7/08) - Viewers: 4.0 million
12. Fracture (2/14/08) - Viewers: 3.7 million
13. Hero (3/13/08) - Viewers: 3.8 million
14. Traveler (3/20/08) - Viewers: 3.4 million
15. Veritas (3/27/08) - Viewers: 3.9 million
16. Descent (4/17/08) - Viewers: 3.6 million
17. Sleeper (4/24/08) - Viewers: 3.6 million
18. Apocalypse (5/1/08) - Viewers: 3.8 million
19. Quest (5/8/08) - Viewers: 4.0 million
20. Arctic (5/15/08) - Viewers: 3.9 million

Season 8 - 3.9 million
1. Odyssey (9/18/08) - Viewers: 4.3 million
2. Plastique (9/25/08) - Viewers: 4.2 million
3. Toxic (10/2/08) - Viewers: 4.1 million
4. Instinct (10/9/08) - Viewers: 4.1 million
5. Committed (10/16/08) - Viewers: 4.2 million
6. Prey (10/23/08) - Viewers: 4.2 million
7. Identity (10/30/08) - Viewers: 4.3 million
8. Bloodline (11/6/08) - Viewers: 4.5 million
9. Abyss (11/13/08) - Viewers: 3.6 million
10. Bride (11/20/08) - Viewers: 4.2 million
11. Legion (1/15/09) - Viewers: 4.3 million
12. Bulletproof (1/22/09) - Viewers: 3.9 million
13. Power (1/29/09) - Viewers: 4.2 million
14. Requiem (2/5/09) - Viewers: 4.0 million
15. Infamous (3/12/09) - Viewers: 3.6 million
16. Turbulence (3/19/09) - Viewers: 3.5 million
17. Hex (3/26/09) - Viewers: 3.8 million
18. Eternal (4/2/09) - Viewers: 3.9 million
19. Stiletto (4/24/09) - Viewers: 3.1 million
20. Beast (5/1/09) - Viewers: 3.2 million
21. Injustice (5/8/09) - Viewers: 3.4 million
22. Doomsday (5/15/09) - Viewers: 3.1 million

Smallville S9

#1 Savior ~ *2.57mil.
#2 Metallo ~ (P)*2.24mil.
#3 Rabid ~ *2.28mil.
#4 Echo ~ *2.59mil.
#5 Roulette ~ *2.47mil.
#6 Crossfire ~ (P)*2.42mil.
#7 Kandor ~ *2.63mil.
#8 Idol ~ *2.68mil.
#9 Pandora ~ (P)*2.42mil.
#10 Disciple ~ *2.49mil.
#11 & #12 Absolute Justice ~ *2.77mil.
#13 Warrior ~ *2.48mil.
#14 Persuasion ~ *2.44mil.
#15 Conspiracy ~ *2.54mil
#16 scape ~ *2.13mil.
#17 Checkmate ~ (P)*1.99mil.
#18 Upgrade ~ (P)*1.56mil.
#19 Charade ~ (P)*2.05mil.
#20 Sacrifice ~ (P) *1.89mil.
#21 Hostage ~ *1.91mil.
#22 Salvation ~"Season 9 Finale"~ *2.40mil.

*Smallville S10 Final

#1 Lazarus ~ *2.98mil.
#2 Shield ~ *2.38mil.
#3 Supergirl ~ (P)*2.30mil.
#4 Homecoming {200th Epi.} ~ *3.19mil.
#5 Isis ~ *2.60mil.
# 6 Harvest ~ * 2.96mil. Ambush
# 7 ~ * 2.63mil Abandoned
# 8 - 2.9 million # 9 Patriot
- 2.6 million
Luthor = # 10 # 11
2.79 million 2.57 million
Icarus --- # 12 --- 2.4 million
Collateral # 13 --- 2.3 million Beacon
Masquerade # 14 ---- 2.22 million

# 15 Fortune # 16 Scion

Monday, November 8, 2010

Stone Fireplace Staining

A phone service is using monopolistic practices in grant award MEXITEL

public databases contain several requirements that can only be met by telecom operators and not by contact centers, from pages requiring registration rates Cofetel to ask technical aspects of interconnection requests for source identification appointments by telephone and Internet.

MEXITEL is a free service call, where English-speaking operators catering to Mexicans in the United States bscan informaicón appointments at the consulates to process your passport or matricula consular. Some of the 51 consulates in the United States and only serve citations generated by this method, it also saves time waiting at the consulates where it is still possible to get without an appointment.

Considered one of the phone companies agreed to by the government of Felipe Calderón, the company Axtel, Tomas Milmo Santos, has colluded with the Chief Clerk to bring MEXITEL bases, way to Axtel.

The Federal Government must show that she really is interested in transparency and the fight against corrupciónya through the Ministry of Civil Service, should put a stop to this abuse superseded by the Official Staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Genaro Villamil

Process, published in his article entitled "The Pampered Axtel Calderon, December 2009," Reports indicate that only stock market in 2009 Axtel got 77 million contracts per thousand pesos in various "products and services for government federal. Recessive crisis in full, your earnings during the first half of 2009 were double those recorded in 2008 and amounted to 486 million pesos.

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Probable for Foreign Affairs is not transparent and conducive to a

The Foreign Ministry has raised suspicions of Tyre and the Trojans the surprise publication, the Friday before Bridge Day of the Dead, the competition for contact center services to MEXITEL .

MEXITEL is the telephone service for the Foreign Ministry consular appointments, through which the proceedings are scheduled to get passports and consular ID card from the United States. So its use is extensive between the Mexican community in the U.S. and its operation depend on the 51 consulates located in major cities of the American union.

seems that the Foreign Secretary Patricia Espinosa, who has rightly proposed this scheme is its own worst enemy at home. The area of Material Resources of the federal agency has published the groundwork so that disqualifies most service providers contact center, leaving a few bases only way for a telecom operator can win. In addition, time to bid is the minimum, so that an operator who has participated in the design of them would have an advantage over others. Axtel is rumored that he was involved in shaping them.

The Foreign Ministry should seriously consider the risk that has failed to tender steamed this service. Especially if the result is the award Axtel and his group, who already suspected of having participated in defining the basis and the abruptness of their process. It is not acceptable to take steps back in public service as important, by favoring one supplier.

Time is short, as the foundation intends to award the tender on 17 ocubre. But it is still appropriate take action to avoid an award amañanda for reasons beyond to provide better service to the public. Technically

Sunday, November 7, 2010 Review

em Oficialía Mayor questioned for possible non-transparent in Axtel

in Annex 4 referred to in the tender is sought:

Identify numbers and counties of origin in the United States automatically. That can only make a telephone company, using traditional telephony. But precludes the use of voice over IP can hire a call center in the U.S. and is cheaper and safer, as it sends the signal packaged. With this, plus the phone company could stay with the database of all expatriates and use it for commercial purposes. The tender calls
automatic identification of incoming cellular calls. This can only make a telephone company interconnected with each other. Axtel, being a carrier, has every chance to comply, no contact with any school wishing to participate in the licitacióny dependent transporters and implementation times.

Contestants also must be able to detect online the IP address of a user requesting quotes online. This service is not currently available in MEXITEL. This operation can be performed only in a very limited and impossible to audit, an Internet provider and depends on the access provider in the United States. Furthermore, it is necessary to first analyze the relevant information for the consulate, which hardly could exploit this information. Ask

immediate distance interconnection scheme of long distance, a fact that only one company may have to have a presence in other operators. A contact center depends 100% of a dealer and requires adherence to policies and procedures.
registration is required for charging for second (even if the pay per minute "round"), when the telephone company bills per minute. However, international operators among themselves are billed per second, making them a significant advantage. If that requirement, the first Cofetel should require telephone companies to bill the call center per second.

Axtel and Impulse companies participated in the study of market licitacióny have clearly influenced the process. The bases were privileged, as well as having cut times, including a series of clearly focused on technical require the winner to be a phone company and not a telephone contact center.

is striking that the Foreign Ministry has sought early start for those interested in bidding for MEXITEL, publishing surprisingly bases prior to the bridge on Friday, Nov. 2, to promote Axtel, who has been involved in the definition of the bases. The competition was also an accelerated process, in setting the minimum periods required by law to presentacióny delivery of proposals.

In this case, not only at stake is the honor of the Foreign Ministry for a possible case of corruption among authorities and Axtel. In addition, you risk MEXITEL operation so far has delivered good results and could cause complaints of consuls by improper operation.

biases bidding are obvious and make it clear that BE is seeking to exclude operator services providers so that only the telephone companies can compete. In addition, Axtel has probably secured the inclusion of other points that favor against rivals of equal conditions. Hurricane Alex

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Small Intestinal Obstruction Hemoroids

Falsh no Sunadokei in Spanish

Almost exactly two months after it came out in English the volume of Slayers Evolution-R (whose entry you can read about here ), on the occasion of the XV Hall Manga de Barcelona, IVREA has brought to the expected sale españolade edition Shin Slayers Falsh no Sunadokei (New Slayers, Sand Clock Falsh), which just yesterday I bought and read at once, for this took me like much (until I have it in Japanese) and wanted to know how he was treated in the English edition.

In matters of publishing, as I expected IVREA, no surprises, the issue is almost identical to the Japanese original, with the same color pages and cover, there have been only a few changes: In the English title, as you can see, I have translated literally, but have omitted the word "New" (Shin). The Omak come in the final pages of the volume, in rather than under the jacket. And the logo of the volume have included a simple hourglass, which is not in the original logo. In short, minor.

My fear was the translation. Translations of the two previous volumes of Slayers had been at least disastrous, and a volume Falsh is much more complicated and with many references to the series and novels that I feared they were going to go to club. My surprise was big when I discovered that instead of being translated by the hillbilly or rednecks that made these volumes, was translated by Falsh Nathalia Ferreyra, and she has done a great job with this volume, which is noted which has not only translated, but was concerned to know the story that was talking. A pleasant surprise after two bad shots of the volumes of Evolution-R and Revolution (the latter the input you can read here ). While there are some things that may not be clear, are only one or two sentences in a book of this caliber, are more than forgivable.

Finally, a highly recommendable to take a English edition more than good.
