Friday, February 26, 2010

Why Does Alabama Have A 12 On The Helmet

Green Lantern: First Flight

Well, another event that allows me to open the first inning on another of my great passions, American comics, and one of my favorite series, Green Lanter.'s Finally come to Spain one of the latest DC Comics animated films, GREEN LANTERN: FIRST FLIGHT , translated here as "Green Lantern: First Flight" (thanks to those who take to the decision n to keep the original name * _ *). Published by Warner Spain in double format layer and 2-disc special edition, with more than 2 hours of extra content. The official price is 12 €, but I found it in Media Markt for € 9.99, a bargain truth.

Despite the liberties taken, the film is very entertaining and does not run (in my opinion) against the fans of this legendary comic book series. As expected is full of cameos by familiar characters, with varying degrees of prominence (some not even talk, but by design know who they are), which is appreciated.

As I have said many liberties taken, from changing the source of green energy, or skills of the Guardians, to place in the universe Qward normal rather than antimatter in the universe. The Oath of the Green Lantern also has a different role in this film, one of the few things that do bother me, but I do not want to bust one of these little things.

The Castilian version has a VERY good dubbing, but I recognized many voices, there are few that I have associated with a name, and I have not yet found any place where you listen the voice actors. A yes I was easily recognized Avanthay Isabel Fernandez ( link), voice actress who played Faith on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or Tannis McTaggart on "15 Love" among many other roles, and that this movie plays Boodikka.

Overall a great dubbing allows you to see the movie with no scares or translation Castilian rare. Have left things in the original "Green Lantern" or "Coast City", while others have been half adapted, as the Green Lantern Corps, or the oath, which Instead of using the English comic book, have re-translated to rhyme, as the original.

(Kilowog and Ch'p)
(Ch'p ... we miss you! Back! But not as a Black Lantern, bucking XD)

Both extra hours are based on reports and discussions on concetpo author of "Green Lantern", the guardians, Sinestro (translated as Loss in the Castilian version) and others. Some announcements and reports on other animated films like "Batman and Superman: Public Enemy" (Which has gone on sale while the film) or "Wonder Woman." Finally comes the special episode of Duck Rogers (Daffy Duck in these parts) that becomes a Green Lantern xD.

Overall I liked it and recommend it to any fan of Green Lanern or comics in general.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

How To Find Jock Strap Sizes

End of "Galun Island arc" Fullmetal Alchemist

Well well, a new saga ends in Fairy Tail, and apart from any comments I find a good excuse to make the first entry "official" (that of the BSO did not XD) in this series. For those not familiar with the name, the saga of the island Galun (or Garuna) is considered the fourth of Fairy Tail. As the series has only 18 chapters (anime) seems a bit soon to have 4 sagas, but that's because the earlier sagas were quite short and have served mainly to introduce different characters.

NOTICE: From here I will talk without worrying about spoilers up to Chapter 18 of the anime, so keep that in mind if you're going to keep reading.

Well, before speaking directly to the saga, I would like to speak before Fairy Tail in general. The first Once I saw a book of this series in a book store (while traveling in San Sebastian, by the way XD) I thought it was just a cheap copy of One Piece (series that I've never been a big fan) and I did not pay any circumstances.

Almost 1 year later, when it began airing anime, [info] darksyx and I decided to give it a try and see what it was ... the result was amazing . A very good script, with unexpected twists and a lot of comedy that appealed to me immediately (for Of course the terrific team of voice actors and the soundtrack helped xD).

The first sagas were mostly to laugh and, as I said before, introduce the characters. But then came the first series would be (though short), "Lullaby arc" (saga of the lullaby.) A saga that serves to introduce it properly and Erza Grey (which for now are my two favorite characters from the series) and see the first major battle between the protagonists and the same Lullaby (I repeat, with an amazing soundtrack xD .) After she arrived "Galun Island arc."

This saga has been a discovery for me. The discovery of association rules over Fairy Tail (because of the work of type S) Grey's past, rivalry with Lion, the sacrifice of Ur, the existence of beings like Deliora (which reminds me Shabranigudu lot XD)

I always loved the magic and powers related to water and ice, and in almost all series I tend to like the character you use these elements as a weapon (Cygnus Hyoga, Iceman , etc). But the truth is that in a few series this magic usually have a big impact, and many of them the character that uses water or ice is usually the weakest (Not why). The fact that there is a spell Fairy Tail as the Iced Shell, capable of expressing a demon as Deliora in a block of ice made from the body of the sorcerer has been a surprise. And on top over the years, the spell had been running with the devil! That to me is all a gift XD

Although obviously I am glad that Grey did not follow the footsteps of Ur and lost his life to Deliora sealing, which was over half-dead. Lion's rival Grey, upsets me directly, "uncle bud has nothing else to do than to dishonor the memory of Ur to overcome? Come and go to do if you're bored xD crochet. Although good, when the ice melts Ur and merges with the ocean is one of the most moving scenes I've seen so far, because metaphorically and physically, Ur is now one with the Océ year ... a pretty original idea, it seems to me. The destruction of the Moon Erza saw coming was not literal, would have been very Dragon Ball xD.

What has been a surprise has been what to Ultears, the lost daughter of Ur, when they said "lost" in previous flashbacks, I assumed he was dead, but it seems it was a "lost" literally. Find it as "villain" helping Lion for their own reasons (yet undiscovered), and allied to this type of blue-haired wizards council, which clearly is bad xD, has been a surprise. Seeing as Ur talking about the poor, I hope to give you hair XD. Although I imagine that eventually turned good thanks to Grey or something ...

Anyway, that's all for now, I'm looking forward more chapters of Fairy Tail, whose new series is called "Phantom Lord arc" (the Phantom Lord saga), and seems to be very interesting.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Mac How To Play


Well, another entrance that opens a new label on one of my favorite manga series, Full Metal Alchemist. I wanted to use the avatar of Raiden18 ... Arakawa being ... but the subject of Chapter I use the "Grey" Sad Fairy Tail ... but I think more than sad / thoughtful, which is VERY VERY'm surprised, so I have finally decided on the XD you see. Before anyone pull their hair, or I throw something to the head, NOTICE that I will talk about the last chapter of the manga, so do not do click on the link below or you read the comments on this post if we are not , is read ...

I assume that if you're reading this because you have already read the chapter (if not, ask and give you links ^ ^), so I will not summarize it ...

Well, what has given Arakawa? Almost all hoped This chapter continues the battle between Scar and Bradley had reached a very interesting point in the previous chapter ... "We" and suddenly the final scene where they finally reveal the intentions of the p *** bug jar, witnessing its transformation into a deity, and die all the characters we've met at least 4 cats? Awesome.

one hand I hope that people somehow revived, even if the dead would stop cruel disbelief ... Arakawa more than we are accustomed ... although that is scary XD

"Opinions? "Debates? A comment! hehehe (as if to comment on more than 1 person, but you demonstrate good XD ... I'm wrong!)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Power Cord For Itouch

Depressor Don Teddy!

Those who know me a long time or have read some of the entries or comments I have written to the avatar I'm writing this and have noticed my love for this style of drawing, which is nothing Masy nothing less than the work of English artist Cels Piñol, author of world famous " ; Fanhunter "which has given rise to novels, figures, role plays and countless stories.

Zaino also for many years of drawing comic strips in comics publisher Marvel Comics published in Spain by Forum, called "Fan with Cream" and "Lethal Fan" which was parodied / recounted the pros and cons of being a fan of comics in the world today.

The list goes on and work from a "Parents Guide to babies with rare" call "BB Plan" (whose cover you can see right), a novel written and "Drawing the Sounds," a novel also about fatherhood in a world so dangerous to the fan means and the "universe" Fanhunter.

Well, among all the marketing that produced their work, I always, ALWAYS, had wanted a toy that was released with the image of Don depressor, a character with a lot of bad luck, very jester and more short-sighted to Mister Magoo. In short, a character that I have to speak later in another post to not unduly lengthen this ^ ^.

But between living in a city that then had a single library specializing in comics (and carried by a pair of edges), and as a young student I was difficult to go to classrooms of the comic in Madrid or Barcelona, I never got to see this toy in stores, much less purchase.

Today, someone very special mailed me, nothing Masy no less, one of the last 6 stuffed animals that are available:

That person who é He knows who he is, THANK , but I can not leave in two inkwell filled with gratitude BIG HUGS to [info] darksyx and [info] Lusten , because without their help this would not have been possible ^ ^. Before concluding

I leave a link to the official website of Fanhunter .
