Monday, June 22, 2009

Difference Between Grinder And Blender

Cold ~ ~ ~ ~ xx;

Wai ~ ~ ~ aish, in recent days has given me a horrible cold ... I feel so bad I could not sew anything xx;;, yeah, I know it's my fault for not eating or sleeping well, working too much and sleep with wet hair, but ... As it is ugly, _, who sends me -.-, in short, in terms of sewing, I am that I finished the corset wedding dress, if I had not fallen ill and would have finished> \u0026lt;! when I improve, I'll finish, for now I only sleep _;
Anyway, I went to get my socks were in the post office for not much time, there had been more sure that hood xx;, and then looked for my shoes and tried them with socks and aish, how cute they are! * _ * with red stockings While the pink shoes are white and brown, white boots look good with red socks but not with the pink, and red shoes XD backwards in short, those red shoes are there random shoes, not what I will use ... auqnue if I bought did not arrive on time, never mind, I will use these in the meantime -.-;;; picture ahhh here means, what beautiful * _ *

Now, I asked the usakumya but I could not afford to buy a bank that is a fool with it >\u0026lt;!!! I hope it is resolved soon to have my usakumya * _ * aish how cute> \u0026lt;! ahhhh I feel so bad ... this flu ... xx;;;

Friday, June 12, 2009

Summerleigh Baby Name

More new things * _ * ~ Wai

Waahhhh! Ok, I have come more things * _ * the wig to mars / maya arrived, and is so cute * _ * and OO laarga wahhh * _ * the problem is that being so long, is too tangled and , that saved it again without take photos even uu;;, then! I bought some very pretty fabrics and yesterday * _ *! I finally got my hood baby, the stars shine bright * _ * is my first article lolita brand, and is so cute! looks much nicer in person than in photos, when I opened it I was so excited too cute * _ * * _ * picture here:

not it cute?? * _ *
Well, now I just need to wait to reach the middle and the owner, although the owner seems that just today I enviarona Venezuela, were made with that crazy ¬ ¬ I'm actually not even sure I sent today, just say "received" ToT! not when or what or when I will send ToT! ToT expected soon! the other is my socks! I sent an email asking for them and still do not respond ... when asked by the hood told me once, now averages do not tell me anything ... will be lost and looking estpan?? OO aahhhh I hope not lost, it has made me nervous! ToT! I have to call the main office to get to me xx;;, I certainly hope not lost ToT anyway, I'm happy with my umbrella but worried about my socks ... aish how things xx;;, well, think of other things to worry about not oo;;;
Ahhh! finally I have my files on my laptop so I could update my page soon cosplay * _ * I'll put a link to this blog and other stuff * _ * first I have to manage all ... xx nya;

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Has Anyone Seen Giant Spiders In Washington Dc

new things * _ * ~

OK! well, I went again on my birthday lolita dress * _ * and then the weekend the park in Caracas ... the reaction was or less the same, then ... one man told me crazy, but did not tell me directly, but as just talking oO, in short, apart from that, everything was normal oo fun walk in the park with my lolita dress, I felt so kawaii * _ * but I needed my hood xx;;; already bought at the baby store, just have to wait to send it to me and get me * _ *
And speaking of things to come! ! today I got my wig lina / kenshin, prettier * _ * is cool, so soft and so pretty * _ * picture here:

The color is a bit lighter than Kenshin / line, but nuclear matter * _ * is so kawaii * _ * I put a little time to lounge around the house and buenop XDD ... I decided not to buy more wigs for now uu;;; do cosplay with whom I have in the meantime ._.;;; and will spend the money on things lolita * _ * buenop, that for now, then we will follow in that order XD lol! I have so much time doing cosplay ... I'll see if I even for a photo shoot and it> \u0026lt;, I need; _;
And buenop! I still need to get my wig mars the finish and baby stuff, and my owner * _ * I have to buy one for my owner lolita dresses or make me one, xq which I have already given no more xx, xx poor thing;;; aish if I like my wig * _ *