Sunday, June 18, 2006

What Does Chick Pox Scars Look Like

Uhuhuh ... Class

Hello hello! Earth to Lj! Earth to Lj! Is anyone still read on my blog? xDDD I guess not, because years ago they did not update
Well .. xDDD I think it's the first time in history that I have xDDD
things to tell 1) I went to France! ohh yeah, oh la la mademoiselle! xDDD Ainssss after having traveled to France, nothing of what I see is the same ... this is a "nimidez" (says so? xDD), next to that. Not only was the stunning landscape, but the fact of being there was something amazing ^ ^. We also went to Disney and the Asterix park, to get on the roller coasters, rides and, of course, get us xDDD photos with the characters is that in this illusion, there is no age xDDD
During the days I spent in Disney I was with my eyes wide open to see if she could get some famous for some fotilla xDD ((8) I am nerd because the world made me this way ... (8) xDD) Dioss, I want adrenaline! xDDDDDD. Well well .. and dedicate a post to talk xDD
d France 2) Since the classes are finished! I have only a physical examination biennnnn (but the other day I had 1 of 3 h math media ¬ ¬) Hold on! hold on! you only have 3 days and at last you can throw yourself to the paunch! muahahaha xDDD
3) (8) I get the summer came the summer came the summer .. ay! I get the summer! (8) SIIIII already here! the best time of aƱoooo oeoeoeoe xDDD What shall I do? That is the least important, the thing is that I have free long at this residence, which amused me xDDDD stargaze
4) I have seen a lot of movies since I last wrote, many of classified them as "scary" but to me, all I did was to the tune yuyu "tininini tininiin ...." because otherwise ... Although it is true that Japanese films tend to give more shit than American ... actually, the Japanese are the only ones that make me paranoid
xDDD buenoo lost was enough for today! to another! ^ ^

Mood Energetic


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