Friday, June 30, 2006

Should You Wax Before Or After Shower

: P

buenooo, just finished reading HP 6! (If yes, I know, everyone will think: that poor fan! Had not yet read! And finger señalaréis me ¬ ¬) But considering I'm from Spain, here comes a bit late already translated xDDD also I had thousands of things to do and to study, and although I wanted to find time anywhere, I could not. Well, at least now I've finished ...
nu There is so much liked me at all ... but other than sii ^ ^

1) Why Dumbledore had to die? eh? eh? I would never die: S, or at least nu would read any of the 7 books: S
2) Why did Dumbledore to "paralyze" Harry in the tower? Perhaps the Death Eaters knew they were coming and feared that Harry tried to fight them? I knew he would die and that Harry would not intervene? Oo
3) Something I do not understand: In the tower, when Dumbledore was surrounded by Death Eaters and appeared Snape, Dumbledore why he "begged Snape (Severus. .." he said in a pleading tone, or something) that would not kill him? Dumbledore is not supposed to trust fully in it? How he went through his head that would kill him?
4) Harry / Ginny? Noo! That pair .. more .. hmm better not comment, to avoid damaging the sensibilities of people who like this couple resumiendi xDD But I do not like this couple xDD
5) Although the design I have ... Weeee finally take a step in the relationship Ron / Hermione! (a small step for them, one giant leap for mankind HP xDDD q read ... this is where someone I know would say: yiasssssss xDDD) If I tell the truth, shortly out the 1st book of Harry Potter, the nickname he used was: Hermione Weasley xDD I think I was one of the first to imagine that something would between them xDDD.
6) Tonks and Lupin? Hmmm, I swore that Tonks was in love d Sirius and Lupin not ... xDDD Also, I like it: D
10) Quee! Snape the Half Blood Prince? Oo never have pensadoo .. I thought that was Voldemort .. and even Dumbledore himself ... but I had never crossed his mind that would be him, but now that I know, is logical: it was good at potions d was mestizo ...
11) In the book there will 7tmo Hogwarts? Bah, that I imagined, I assumed that the last book would be developed outside of this, the fight against Voldemort and all that ...
12) Horcruxes ... I think there will be more surprises ... will be not only the objects that Harry thinks .. but maybe in other ...

Please! Someone solve my questions! XDDD I'm frustradaaa

Another thing to say, that has nothing to do with HP ... mío1 god have relocated Buffy from the beginning in Four! Right now the tape is scratched and is in black and white Psss ¬ ¬ and I thought they would grow old without seeing the beginning (yes, because I cuamdo started watching the show and was on the third season, and when I saw it up the end, when I saw the first season) and is when put back ends from the beginning.

Since we are talking about series: the other day started One Three Hill, and got to see her, and was good looking but ... I do not know, Dawson reminded me (but I've never seen that series xDDD), I got bored very soon, not finished watching. Wowww

peazo today's entry! : O I've outdone myself! Hahaha. For that, stop writing, because I am able to follow and keep writing without stopping xDD



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