Saturday, June 24, 2006

Proton Beam Vs Prostatectomy

New Design! Muajajja

Holaaa! Here I am, updating and also with new design: D. The truth is that I was a little tired from the previous and although I am 100% Spuffy, now I'm reading Harry Potter 6 because I have decided to make a design related. Aynsss, as I'd like Draco and Hermione end up together ... but unfortunately, it will not. While I like Ron / Hermione, but anyway ...
and I can only change the icon and put it in line with the design, q is the first layout xDDD But is that at this time, no desire ....
xD I have also change the mood, because I had to Spike if I liked (agggg, drooling .. xDD) but I got bored of the same photos ... and as ye shall have laid down, finally not even put xDDD moods. For that, try making one of Hermione & Draco or if not, HP.
for today just to comment, only that: D

Mood Artist


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