Thursday, July 8, 2010

How Much Does A Washing Machine Weigh?

BE does not have enough interconnections in Mexico for servicing.

landfall in Tamaulipas on 30 June. Monterrey on Thursday struck with quantities of water immediately reminded us of Hurricane Gilbert in 1988. Telecommunications networks were the first to note the impact of Alex. Telmex, Movistar, Iusacell, Axtel and Alestra at least suffered disconnections to a greater or lesser degree. Axtel, was hardest hit, leaving service users and internet service to several cities to Sunday July 4, when Axtel reported that the service had been restored completely.

Internet is possible by the development of the protocol that supports TCP / IP. This protocol allows to split the data into small packets that are transmitted to the source and destination address from the routers that make up internet and regroup at the end to regain communication. This clever communication scheme was developed under the auspices Department of Defense United States in the ARPANET project. Its main purpose was that communications could prevail even after a nuclear attack massive impact. But a natural disaster like Hurricane Alex, could Masy left out a number of Internet connections nationwide between 1 and 4 July, after causing severe damage to the network Axtel in Monterrey, home to a substantial part of their equipment.

Hurricane Alex had a major impact on Axtel facilities in Monterrey, leaving out one of the leading providers of access Paisy affecting customers in many parts of the country. Thus, the TCP / IP was insufficient to maintain communications in Mexico in a disaster caused by nature. To a large extent this was due to Axtel and other service providers in Mexico there is no real backbone of the Internet or a Network Access Point, and not enough in the country interconnections between operators Mé Mexico, that really depend on the connections of its Tier-1 providers in the U.S..

The number of business customers whose operation has supported Internet applications continue to grow naturally. No However, uncertainty caused by the possibility of not having reliable services and quickly recoverable in case of disaster, bringing with it an additional risk to the business of marrying a single Internet service provider. While dealers and perhaps the Cofetel not worry about that in Mexico there is a true NAP, customers will have to find a way to have the best possible redundancy in their connectivity.

As the users themselves perceive as indispensable your Internet connection, they must take steps to minimize the risk of eventualities such as that suffered Axtel may affect again and so on. Alternative suppliers and intelligent routing schemes departure Internet are issues to consider.


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