Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sony Network Camera Snc-m1′′

a couple of weeks ago I bought the Slayers Revolution manga in English, published by IVREA. I had already read the manga translated into English, but of course being Slayers, could not pass up the opportunity to get physically in my hands (and shelf), once was published in English. In fact, if the public thought IVREA not say buy it somewhere else understood language like French, but ultimately did not need.

Unfortunately, although the editing is good, the translation has some mistakes. So far IVREA translations of about Slayers manga was very good, and the hand of Agustin Gomez Sainz (Special, Return, Legend Demon, Premium and unique take Araizumi) or Marcelo Vicente (Knight of Aqualord), useful and impressive including clarification of the translation, that helped us understand the history and the world of Slayers in general.

Slayers Revolution, by contrast, is translated by Manuel Ángel Ybáñez , and I'm not happy with his work. First of all appears to have read the other Slayers sleeves (or bothered to learn about them), as many of the failures that make history lash published Slayers Slayers in the sleeves and published by IVREA.

(According to Angel Ybáñez own response to this input, this information is wrong and he is not the translator of this sleeve, see below for comments on this post )

are a mess with spells. In the description of the volume (on the back) speak of Pokot can use the "Dragonslayer" (most common name for the Drag Slave used in the English dubbing of the series). And some of the spells are written as in the Yankee version of Slayers.

whole issue of the Sword of Light Pokot is wrong. They take it for real, and all dialogs (few) who speak a replica that is gone, replaced by comments to other events. In fact Lina and Gourry are looking for the Sword of Light in the English version, when in fact looking for a new sword for Gourry, as the Sword of Light is gone.

Now comes the part I was talking about earlier when he said that the translation is contradicted manga the other Slayers. According to the translation, the city is called Sairaag Pokot, the capital of magic, and is the kingdom of Taforasia ... In reality what happens is that Taforasia (which seems to be a kingdom and a city, as Saillune) was founded by descendants of Sairaag.

Anyway, those are some outstanding bugs. There are other little things like Lina calling itself the "Dragonslayer" (though they are the pirates who are called Dra-Matta), or Xellos talking about one "Oz", in some No cross-over kind of weird with the Wizard of Oz xD
I really hope that they correct the little things, or move a translator, taking into account that have yet to publish Slayers Evolution-R and Falsh no Sunadokei, a manga with things much more complex. We'll see what happens.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

How Much Does A Washing Machine Weigh?

BE does not have enough interconnections in Mexico for servicing.

landfall in Tamaulipas on 30 June. Monterrey on Thursday struck with quantities of water immediately reminded us of Hurricane Gilbert in 1988. Telecommunications networks were the first to note the impact of Alex. Telmex, Movistar, Iusacell, Axtel and Alestra at least suffered disconnections to a greater or lesser degree. Axtel, was hardest hit, leaving service users and internet service to several cities to Sunday July 4, when Axtel reported that the service had been restored completely.

Internet is possible by the development of the protocol that supports TCP / IP. This protocol allows to split the data into small packets that are transmitted to the source and destination address from the routers that make up internet and regroup at the end to regain communication. This clever communication scheme was developed under the auspices Department of Defense United States in the ARPANET project. Its main purpose was that communications could prevail even after a nuclear attack massive impact. But a natural disaster like Hurricane Alex, could Masy left out a number of Internet connections nationwide between 1 and 4 July, after causing severe damage to the network Axtel in Monterrey, home to a substantial part of their equipment.

Hurricane Alex had a major impact on Axtel facilities in Monterrey, leaving out one of the leading providers of access Paisy affecting customers in many parts of the country. Thus, the TCP / IP was insufficient to maintain communications in Mexico in a disaster caused by nature. To a large extent this was due to Axtel and other service providers in Mexico there is no real backbone of the Internet or a Network Access Point, and not enough in the country interconnections between operators Mé Mexico, that really depend on the connections of its Tier-1 providers in the U.S..

The number of business customers whose operation has supported Internet applications continue to grow naturally. No However, uncertainty caused by the possibility of not having reliable services and quickly recoverable in case of disaster, bringing with it an additional risk to the business of marrying a single Internet service provider. While dealers and perhaps the Cofetel not worry about that in Mexico there is a true NAP, customers will have to find a way to have the best possible redundancy in their connectivity.

As the users themselves perceive as indispensable your Internet connection, they must take steps to minimize the risk of eventualities such as that suffered Axtel may affect again and so on. Alternative suppliers and intelligent routing schemes departure Internet are issues to consider.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gallbladder Polyps Gastricentitis

First direct image of an extrasolar planet

Hello again, while Spain is looking forward to the World Cup semi-final this afternoon, and entertaining part of the country running away from bulls in San Fermin (sigh ¬ ¬) is I happened to write this post about a story I read the July 4, good news for amateur astronomers: It makes the first direct observation of an extrasolar planet.

(click on image to enlarge)

For those who do not know, an extrasolar planet (or exoplanet) is a planet in another star system, so it is very difficult to detect due to the brightness of the star it orbits. There are several methods of detection, but so far not been able to obtain a direct image of any of these planets.

The planet called 1RXS J160929.1-210524b (pictured above little light on the left) is quite large and has about 8 times the mass of Jupiter. It orbits the star of the same name (without the "b" end), a star much younger than our Sun, in the constellation Scorpius.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Calories In Dryfruits

Slayersiano Marathon!

Hello again! Slayers forum Unity, created by Shansito and me for almost 6 years, is holding a "Marathon Slayersiano" for anyone who wants to target. The idea would be to do a marathon viewing of ALL Slayers: anime, manga, novels, dramas, etc.

start with the anime is at a rate of 7 chapters per week, starting tomorrow, Monday, July 5, chapters would comment on the same forum to share ideas and such. If you are interested do click on the banner of the marathon (made by [info] shansito ) and find all the dates informacióny.
