Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Phisohex Alternatives

AGHHHH Okis, I'm in a better mood and that oo, I started to do the cosplay Luka, and not to let the hand rest, I killed her \u0026lt;. \u0026lt; ;;;; Now I have to rest or I run out of hands xx;;;, but finally I cosplay * _ * and Muchik wig is so cute * _ * but becomes entangled in a thing> \u0026lt;always about wigs long xx;
Anyway, I was going to make a dress for 31, but I kill the little hands, so I can not but care nu! I will use my clothes of and receipt btssb dressed btssb year, but
fine * _ * Well, speaking of cosplay ... I started to make a list of cosplays to do for next year, I hope to do them all> \u0026lt;I just improve the little hands, I will start with that Edgeworth and that of Russia, which is what it is for others \u0026lt;. \u0026lt;, Then, to see if I end the Gemini, and I also have set a goal of completing all that started and stopped halfway ! >\u0026lt;!!! among these are: yuna, cure peach, and peach tennis oo, and well, the Gemini, which I kept in a bag, the poor oo;;;
Finally! recap, these are my goals for new year:
- Complete
Usakumyas my family - my costume lolita increase with at least 10-15 new clothes
- Complete cosplays that I have half
- Make my homepage lolita
- Make my little shop online
- Learn to get up early -.-;
- Increase by at least 2-3kilos oO;
- Improve the pattern confeccióny
- Getting used to clean
home regularly - Learning to cook fish -.-;
- lolita dress at least 1 time a week
- Get in the journal COSMODE
- Make
Phoenix Group - Make the group of Slayers
- Take photos of
Peach cosplay - Learn to not be so lazy and leave everything to the last minute xx;

And now that's all! I have all year to achieve all that wahahaha! and if not get one, be penance? nyaaaaa xx;;;


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