Monday, April 27, 2009

How To Write A Short Film Treatment

* Paris * _ * ~ ~ ~ Randomness

Yay ~ ~ ~ Well, after several things ... we decided to go to Paris * _ * yay! is what I wanted from the beginning, great! * _ * sing, I can go to the store in Parisyan btssb buy ... ahhh what, everything is too expensive ... In short, depending on how much money you have, see what I buy ... but what I buy is definitely my bag and jsk usakumya> \u0026lt;; Peter told me to buy a pair of socks, but perhaps I'd better buy the hood ... after all, means to me I can buy online, but I might buy a pair after all XD buenop depends on how much money you have, in Paris everything is more expensive .. .
Ahhh but what great * _ * walk in the Champs Elysées, go to the Louvre and Versailles ... and buenop, many things will be great * _ * * _ * kawaii * _ * hao lao wai man * _ * * _ * anyway, I have to practice French, because now I remember nothing of the language. .. nyan xx;;; buenop, practice! yay!! * _ *
Ahhh right, I have been long said that Lolita will be daily, but it has given me so lazy Sewing> \u0026lt;,, I'll get to sew my wedding corset and then sew a few blouses and skirts ... when in NY I will log lolita * _ * me here I have to take it easy, not what so I go ... as I said before, start with the casual weekend ... little by little ... for work, I wonder if he's okay to use a classic ...? hmmm ... yep, me I have to take it easy, not to be scaring people oo;;, but wth! is a style, it's normal ... Well, no ... ok, it's different, but it's so cute ... ahh how things ... although there is nothing really wrong with >\u0026lt;!!! but still ... is a bit difficult ... In short, I want to buy some pink tea party, if not I will send them to do here ... I saw a girl who was selling in the forum, but not if it's sold ... Peter asked if he could buy and said yes, so if you have not sold and are in my size, I will buy right away! * _ * but, well, I guess I will send them to do xx , I have to see if it is running the place where I wanted to send to do, because where do I sent my parade boots ... I did not like how they look >\u0026lt;;;; but if I have no choice, I'll have to send them to do there xx;;, the other thing that I thought it was customizing shoes, but I have see where get materials ... and the problem is also money, I forget that I have no half xx;;;; aish how things xx;;; I wait to pay me xx;;;; in order ... I have to get another job oO;;;;
A daily lolita Venezuela ... what this is ... hmmm hopefully more will join me then lolitas * _ * but you're good! everyone dresses like it cause, why not me?> \u0026lt;! -.- it's unfair if I dress lolita, why not? >\u0026lt;!!! right? * _ * But I have to get that ... could also customize some things ... but in reality I have nothing like this ... I'm doing things better ... I just pay and go to Caracas to buy that fit * _ * I spend all my salary in lace * _ * then I'll have to spend less on cosplay xx;;; aish how things xx;;, good or Mode ... I'll buy the white and pink wig and then ... cosplays will only wigs that I have uu;;, at least to have a good income oo;;, hehe, I'll be doing other stuff and then put pictures here and the pupe * _ * BTW, I created an account at Sweetie XD I hope not to leave forgotten like everything else oo;;; nya oO;;; in order ... yay ~ * _ *

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gel Bracelets Color Meanings

Yay ~! Okis now write a bit of everything ... buenop to begin planning to go to an event this weekend, but in the end did not finish my cosplay -.-;;; and this laptop is that I can not edit the sound xx, in short, I decided to leave to cure the peach in May and I'll see when I do the from jeanne ... q by the way, today I was making the kimono and aish, I do not like the fabric. _. q I do it again with another xx fabric;;;, but aish, how things xx;;, well, well ... xx;;; is that I thought it was satin difidanzata, which is thicker, it turns out I was wrong and what was bought Velour satin, and when I started sewing, well ... xx is thin;;; buenop, I will review to see what fabrics I have, but I think I have no white-q ... Indeed, now that I remember, I have no ... unless use of suu, then buy more, like cosplay suu not do it yet because I have the wig ... and Aisha, I have contact lenses for Jeanne xx;;; well I have to pay shipping for my wig and my rub n buff, and what they pay me enough for anything I ;;;;; nyan xx, xx I have no money;;;;
And buenop , talking about something else, today I got to practice with the choreography kaki waaahhh q tsukiatteiru and I can not give those returns xx;;; kedo completely dizzy and fall xx,,,, I have to practice hard not to get dizzy xx;;;
Jeje, Pedro said going to give me his old camera when I bring it I can take photos to put aki * _ * kawaii * _ * and see when I will update my BP Page, I have abandoned that xx,,, I have qu leave a little slack and start to finish sewing the wedding dress, and then finish others2 also to sell and to pay my debts ^^;;; some
Y buenop, I have to go get fabric for my costumes lolita, and see when I get to do alice xx;;; also want to make the queen of hearts, is kawaii * _ * and my loli loli-mario-toad * _ * and the loli-goomba nyohohohoh * _ * kawaii * _ * then arrange the petticoat, I'll do my blouses and skirts ... what I would get more average missing, I will review to see whether in the china shop have more oo, and then see if I can buy a pair online store baby * _ * only buy accessories and stuff, xq can not pass $ 100 xx;; , plus there is only $ 400 internet xx;;, but small x buy stuff online, and when you go to san francisco shoes and I buy one or 2 dresses * _ * and usakumya my purse! * _ * ahh the way, speaking of San Francisco, prices were squaring it, and yes apparently I'll have enough money to buy what I * _ * obviously tooodo not what I want, but perhaps a couple of dresses kawaiii ahhh * _ * * _ * when you go to new york lolita dress every day ~ * _ * akí not because I as well is the people, the heat is unbearable xx, however, begin to use it on weekends even kawaii * _ * * _ * hehe Ahhh
lolitas would be cool to have friends in valencia and go aki Group ... ahh so cute * _ * but it is difficult to find in Venezuela, the harder it will be in valencia xx,,, aunke, we could organize some outings another weekend, whether in Caracas ... as people travel for conventions, you could go for a picnic or something * _ * would be so kawaii * _ * but asih not yet know enough lolitas in Venezuela. _.; buenop little a little ~ ~ ~ and buenop, khaki and is getting a bit more on Lolita, aunke still prefer the punk loli, but the last dress I was asked gothic * _ * I think the amaloli nunk like it but at least does like classic ... finally, keep looking lolitas in venezuedla ~ ~ ~ * _ *

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Filmy Online Free


Wai! Than by chance I found recently in Venezuela some OO lolitas on the Internet, then, and did not know Wahh OO lolitas really had here, I'm tired of seeing the conventions otalolis xx;;, but yay! ! q genial * _ * aunke are few, a start, right? * _ * kizás lolita picnic can make this year * _ * be possible? * _ * * _ * ooohhh kawaiii buenop, I have yet to know, xq not really know anyone ._.;;;; but at least I am encouraged that people are interested in style * _ * But well, I knew some people, then, but not enough ... remain the same few. _.; at last! gradually ~ ~ ~ Speaking of Lolita
, soon I will do my dress lolita alice * _ * and then kick off their blouses and skirts ... and I think I'll make a classic civil wedding lolita nyohohohoho * _ *
Ahhhh I hope to open soon in san francisco btssb >\u0026lt;!!! if it is open to how I go, I'll buy a petticoat, a jumperskirt, shoes, umbrellas, and my bunny purse! wahhh!! * _ * if not, I have to keep looking online to see if I get something ~ ~ ~. _.
AHHH! In caracas saw some beautiful lace ToT! keria buy them all! aish but had no money xx;;; one day come back! money! and buy all the lace q see! wahahahahaha!!> D xq, and more nunk found where purchased. _. now they only have black -.-;;; Ahhhh
laziness has given me fix my petticoat ... aunke, as is work maso less ... but no, I have to fix q xx;;; mood mood ~ ~ ~ then I do the session photos with the classic lolita and gothic lolita newest q oo I'll use my sister's shoes for the classic, if I find oO;;;; I q I need is to make the headdress xx;;; same for the gothic, the final xq nunk knew where the other ended up xx;;, q was so cute, _, and so expensive materials left q, _, and q so it took me so; _ in short, at some point we'll do it again. _. x at least now I have the tapes, I just need to buy more lace -.-;;;;
Yay ~ finally lolitas in Venezuela ~ ~ ~ ~ * _ *

And now, to prove how to put images, aki a test with the purse of usakumya kiero q * _ *
Nya *_*
not it cute?? * _ * I'll buy it!> \u0026lt; ! as! q whatever cost! is mine! >\u0026lt;!!! hmmm now review how to put that to "read more" oO;;; q nu still get used to livejournal xx;;;; nya xx;;;;