Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Piano Sheet Music For Kate Nash Mouthwash Free

first potentially habitable extrasolar planet Jupiter, closer than all year

Since early summer, having raised his gaze to the night sky may have been a "star" that stands above the rest, a "star" is actually the planet Jupiter the Largest Solar System. Today, 21 September, and two days of the autumn equinox, Jupiter will be in the position exctamente opposite the Sun in its orbit, rising above the horizon just as the sun sets, and standing in the shortest distance from Earth.

Will there be giant? Not a joke, this is not one of those jokes that circulate every year saying "Mars is going to be as big as the moon!", But if you look brighter, to be in the position closest since 1963, and will be perfect to see even with binoculars, as they may see 3 or even 4 of the Galilean moons.

a little higher than Jupiter, like a 5 th moon "lost" Uranus is also visible with simple binoculars. The scene will be worth it for a few days, especially the 23 (Autumn equinox) in which the full moon will join the show, being as usual, in a totally opposite to the Sun

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Eye Swimmers Floaters

First Night International Lunar Observing

Today September 18 will hold the first International Night Observing Lunar (or International Observation of the Moon Night, INOMN), matching to pur ; site with the first anniversary of the launch of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (Lunar Orbiter Reonnaissance, LRO) spacecraft.

The Moon is a few days to enter the full moon phase, so much of its surface will be visible, and some places and known craters are easily visible, even with binoculars. Many scientists and amateur groups will be added to this new celebration of astronomy.

For fans who do not know or still have trouble finding or recognizing some places "famous" of our only natural satellite, the promoters of the event have prepared a very completito mapalunar.

Do not miss the Sea of Tranquility (where humans set foot first on the Moon) and many more. Enjoy it!

Download pdf MAP. (10.31 MB) Hi

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Where's Denise Milani

Slayers Evolution-R in Spanish

again. It is barely 2 months from the publication by IVREA Slayers Revolution manga and we already have available in their stores then Slayers Evolution-R, adapted from the anime season of the same name, albeit with many differences in history more than the previous volume, since the author wanted to make his own version of history, rather than a "simple" adaptation to the role.

Instead of having to wait 2 weeks to arrive to my city, this time I could buy just a couple of days after your departure date. The translation Raul Guerrero credits, we do not know if it was the real translator took Revolution or not, and although it has flaws as big as the above volume, (see entry about it here ) we note that the Mr. Guerrero did not know much about the world of Slayers, or the volumes already published xD.

As I said, usually gets much less leg than the previous volume. Of course, there is no type of "errata" for his part regarding the terrible translation of Revolution, and that I sent a detailed e-mail for months. In the clarification of the translation not say or explain anything about it, except that the sleeves are adapted from the anime seasons, and these are based to some extent in the novels. Do

and most notable failures? On the back cover to the vase is called "Pluto Vase" (as Mei-ou is the title of which was a Japanese deities of the underworld), although the interior is called "Vase of the Lord of Hell" (not "Master of Hell" we are more accustomed to). Prayer is the "Red Mage " (instead of a monk or priest), and had "a blind eye " raised as opening Shabranigudu (I wonder what eye talk XD) .

Pokot Shabranigudu know suddenly that was retained by the magic of Prayer and therefore should not be resurrected (and I did not even know Shabranigudu also was inside the vase). Zanaffer / Ducris tells Gourry who sleeps inside the body of a Demon King, instead of telling it to attack the Demon King through its XD body. Xellos says that bleeds in spurts (when not cast or 1 drop, as a Mazoku).

And finally a couple of ditties, Zel said Ameria receive a warning for his part, when in reality what was supposed to say is that he owes an explanation for their behavior it xD . Oh, and to refer to the inhabitants of Tafohrasia use the term "taforasianos."

Anyway, as I said earlier, better than Revolution, but far from the level at which we had used in previous single-volume collections and Slayers.


PS: I forgot to say that the epilogue of the volume, in which they appear Luke and Millina , IVREA has called it "progress" in the table of contents at the beginning of volume.