Saturday, May 1, 2010

Does It Cost Money To Change A Name On A Lease?

Jordi Estadella

Surely no one seems strange to say that some people always seem to have been there and always will. It is inconceivable that some people (in this case famous) may disappear suddenly, especially young people. This is the case of Jordan Estadella that, at 61 years old, died on April 30 because of his cancer.

While Jordan was recently disappeared from television, it's hard remember a time in my childhood in which he did not come out in a program that I saw. I'm old enough to remember the "1, 2, 3" Maira Gomez Kemp, but not many memories. For me the "1, 2, 3" I will remember most are the two seasons submitted by Jordi Estadella and Miriam Díaz Aroca (or "laloca" as he used to tell me XD). "The Semaphore" was one of the programs I saw at that time also led by this great presenter.

But Jordan was not only host, but radio announcer and voice actor. His voice by the "Inspector Gadget" (in the animated series) or Bob Detroit in "Mofli, the last koala" resonate in our memories forever. It is a major, and others soon will.

Farewell, Jordi.


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