Monday, April 19, 2010

Funny Things To Write On A Cake


Mother, this already has cobwebs everywhere. Siiiiglos ago
not publish anything, and believe me there is a person plaaasta, that reminds me every day of my life to do xD
many unknowns ... How
has given me to revive it? pfff no idea then.
But the big question is: do I remember the password?
XDDD Well, nothing, just comment for the record I'm still alive, but no one was passing through here. Total
, will spend a lot until you write something.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How To Boost Antenna Strength

Let There Be Light!

The Blackest Night ( blackest night), the maxi event in the DC Universe lasted for over 10 months (and that takes preparation in several books for at least 1 year before xD) just ended. The night is over, and the brighter day will begin.

The rest of the post talks about the different groups of Lanterns and the end of Blackest Night, so if you want espoilearos, better not follow in reading the rest of the post. I leave to your choice xD.

Zant start talking Blackest Night I'll start talking a little bit of different groups of Lanterns that have emerged over the months, and thus benefit to give my opinion on them.

Green Lantern Corps:
The first group to appear in comics, and the rest have been created recently, but within the DC Universe's history dating back some much earlier. Created by the "Guardians of the Universe", use green power, that channels and feeds on the willpower of the wearer.

While many have adopted as "favorites" some new Lanterns that have just come in other colors, for novelty, I remain faithful to the "original" and Hal Jordan, my favorite GL. As always Guardians of the universe have much to hide and some of his sins are exposed during this saga, but it's nothing that will surprise fans of the series. Besides

include characters of the saga, the Green Lanterns are the only light, together with any other color, you can cut the connection of a black ring and for Black Lantern, making it vulnerable any attack and, therefore, destructible.

Sinestro Corps
While the yellow light appeared and was long time ago in the hands of Sinestro, initially was an imitation of Green Lantern rings which, being vulnerable against the color yellow, were in great difficulties to overcome the new weapon of Sinestro.

That all changed when Sinestro decided to create his own "Corps" with the yellow power, which is now symbolized fear and terror, which fed on the user's ability to cause that feeling in too s, so that most members of the Sinestro Corps were villains, some of whom belonged to the past of the Green Lanterns. After the capture of Sinestro at the end of the "Sinestro Corps War" and other internal problems, this group went into the background, going back in action at the end of The Blackest Night.

The yellow color has always been one of my favorites, but I like the part it plays in the DC universe XD. The Sinestro Corps did not attract attention.

Red Lantern Corps
Getting your power of anger and hatred, the Red Lanterns use the red power through rings that replace the user's heart and make energy flow red in their circulatory system, becoming a slave of his rage that feeds the ring message direct and "HATE", "RAGE", "Blood." Because of that the Red Lanterns (except their leader Atrocitus and some exceptions) can hardly think clearly and use their rings in a very crude, without creating solid and defined structures, but are able to do so if enough can focus their thoughts.

As I mentioned, their leader is Atrocitus, one of the few survivors of the sector 666 that was destroyed due to the incompetence of the Guardians of the Universe, and now seeks revenge. After the mini series "Rage of the Red Lanterns", they also pass the background to his participation at the end of Blackest Night.

The design of the Red Lanterns (uniforms and such) pretty cool, but the fact that they spend the day throwing up blood and a kind of "energy" which burns up in space is a bit asquerosillo xD.

Blue Lantern Corps
The blue light users who get their own power of hope and of those around them, and have your home in paradise Odym planet, which orbits the North Star . Founded by Sayd

and gantlet, two Guardians of the Universe who were expelled from the group use light most powerful of all, but comes with a powerful weakness. As hopes are nothing without the will power to carry out, the blue light has little power without a Green Lantern nearby. Without a green ring in the vicinity, the blue ring only provides the most basic powers of a lantern, flight, language translation, security in space, etc ...

Like most groups, once he finished his participacióm important in the battle against the Red Lanterns (a blue ring can cure the effects of one red) became the background to the battle.

The idea for the Blue Lanterns much I was cool at first, but then got really "lalala how pretty all the while lalala hope everything will be fine ..." and ended up a bit fed up that well xD the dependence of green is not cool XD.

Star Sapphires
Another group that has its origins in the past of Green Lantern. Years ago Star Sapphire was a single woman under the influence of the gem of the same name, which became a very powerful villain, queen of the tribe of women called Zamarons, which later proved to be the same species The Guardians of the Universe.

After several attempts to possess Carol Ferris, who brought much misery to the life of Hal Jordan, the Zamarons divided the power of the gem and created their own "Corps" fueled by the power of love; exclusively for women with a "hole" in the heart caused by love, and of course Carol recruited again, this time without losing your mind XD.

This group is perhaps the least participated in the "War of Light" to the final battle, except for Carol Ferris and a girl named Miri, who help to two different groups throughout The Blackest Night.

Well, the idea of creating a group of Star Sapphires cool, but the fact that women are all XD. If you have created a group of only men would have thrown up a lot of people, such as those previously complained that there were few female Green Lanterns.

Agent Orange
This really was weird XD. Since the end of the Sinestro Corps War knew there would be a group of Orange Lanterns would get its power of greed and the desire to have everything in this world ... but it appears that courts were not so true XD. Turned there is only one person using the power Orange Larfleeze, also known as Agent Orange (Agent Orange is not as one might expect, although it seems that is also the name of a herbicide).

Larfleeze central battery has orange, and every time it attacks a person and kill her orange energy used to create a duplicate of the person (completely orange, and construction of the ring) that "steals" the identity and serves to form a sort of "Orange Lantern Corps" ghost.

Larfleeze has not yet used any oath to recharge its power by simply touching your battery is charged to incredible levels. Perhaps because of its constant contact with the battery. Although a group of a single being, helps a lot during the series and the final battle.

Larfleeze seems very fieron at first but then turns out to be little more than a kid xD selfish and greedy, curiously said in an interview that his oath is one of the favorite authors, but then it seems that this idea was lost ;.
Indigo Tribe
Indigo The elusive tribe was the last to appear (other than white) and comes in the midst Blackest Night, reporting on the power of green light to destroy the Black Lanterns when combined with another different light. These "Lanterns" base their power on the compassion, being a very elusive mental state, is a light that is over soon and you need to recharge before the others. Home world is unknown but appears to be one with lots of greenery.

are able to speak any language but have a self that has not yet been deciphered, and which recited his oath (which includes the name of Abin Sur), and apart from the basic powers of a Lantern can teleport themselves and others, and heal the wounded.

But his greatest power is based on capturing the energy of lanterns others around them and use their powers. Using the green light to attack a Black Lantern, or red light to use his energy can burn in space. This is based on compassion that blends a bit with empathy, the ability to take the place of another and understand their feelings.

At first, for the few images we had. Indigo seemed that would be a neutral self-righteous that they would not do much, but turned out to be great warriors, very powerful. Under the new "rainbow" of lanterns, are my favorites.

Black Lantern Corps
Well, the truth is that in the colorezs-light, black is the absence of it, but as this saga plays DC with both light-colored and with the supports solids, I forgive you xD. The Black Lanterns, led by Nekron (death personified) are resurrected dead people to serve their leader, Black Hand, in his quest to destroy the light, as Nekron, is nothing more than an intruder in the original universe, which was black, dark and lifeless.

There is not much to say, is a pretty disgusting because most no xD gets too full, and they spend the day killing people to add to your group. More about the fate of the Black Lanterns later in the same inning, when talk of the end of Blackest Night.

White Lantern Corps
According to this saga, the white light was that life originated in the universe, and therefore the mortal enemy of Nekron and Black Lanterns. The White Lantern Corps are a group that appears briefly at the end of Blackest Night, made up of superheroes who died in the past and came to life long ago for different reasons. The group ceases to exist (as a group, or so seems) when white light is dispersed after reviving its members (and other Black Lanterns) and end with Nekron. While

are short the message is quite powerful. The White Lanterns use the same life as an energy source, not a particular feeling, because no one can base his life on a single sentiment, but feel that everyone and their lives are affected by them.

Speaking a little now in the series in general, Blackest Night has proven to be a long saga and more sinister than I thought at first. As usual, play with the issue of reviving old friends and enemies, and kill characters to make them enemies always generates much drama and intense scenes, such as Donna Troy reunite with her son and husband died ... As I said before is also quite nasty because everyone comes back in "good condition" XD


the end if I liked a lot, the truth, using white light to revive the Black Hand is the door that Nekron pro has agreed to the universe, but the way to find out has been somewhat removed from the manga XD. Although I wonder why only have resurrected some of the heroes who were Black Lanterns, and how they have let it die all the characters who have died in this series XD. It also remains to explain the relationship of Dove with white light ... but all that will be explained in the new saga Brightest Day, so this is just the beginning ...

PD: What longest entry XD.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Took A Pikachu Today

The Order of the Stick

Hello again! Long ago they did not put any new entry and he was playing (in fact it will come back soon xD). On this occasion I would like to talk about a web-comic book fan that I am a long time, The Order of the Stick (The Order of the Stick), creation of Rich Burlew since 2003, and today has over 700 strips published.

While it might seem that a game is illustrated in comic role, in reality the story is based in a world where everything (people, objects, laws of nature, etc) due to standards typical of an RPG, especially Dungeons & Dragons and derivatives.

By this I mean that the characters belong to distiintas classes, which have points of life and experience that they gain levels and weapons and abilities, and much more.

The protagonists, a group of adventurers called the Order of the Stick are Elan, the poet who pushes your buttons to anyone; Durkon , a dwarf cleric servant of Thor; Haley, the mischievous who always gets his way; Belka, the "medium" who personified the phrase " with friends like these, what I enemies", The sorcerer elf Vaarsuvius (V for short) with berborrea twisted his, and Roy , the warrior and leader.

While the characters at first seem stereotypes without much background, over the adventures you discover they are characters with their inner world and what parecíaa first sight the fact that all are the same adventure webcomic, not comics autoconclusivas helps create a more complex world in which you just getting beyond repair.

would talk for hours each spoiler xD I do not want anyone, because the intention of this post is to announce this webcomic to those who do not know. The author and the same comic has several articles in Wikipedia (English version, of course) and even an own wiki! The penalty for those who do not know English is that only in that language, and no translations, but lots of word games would be lost if you translate the truth ..

issued every few days, but no exact periodicity, and is highly recommended if you do not have much knowledge about RPGs. You laugh a montóny is very entertaining.

currently published in the author's website: Giant in the Playground , web to which I have placed a banner with a link to the right of this journal, so that you have easy access. Hope

you like it!