Sunday, November 15, 2009

Space Heater Fan Won't Turn

Yay ~ ~ ~ I was finally able to cosplay ~ ~ ~ y kedo kawaii * _ * was a cosplay that had begun long ago, but then stopped doing and I was almost ready oo just touched me finished and ready ~ ~ ~ first time I have a cosplay ready days before the convention was recently OO at the convention, but I take pics kawaii * _ * until pedro battery ran out of the camera, because he forgot to bring spare -.-;;;; finally had time doing cosplay, I xx needed;, and now, for next Saturday, I will try to have your Gemini to make the photoshoot * _ * and the photoshoot of peach, which already has nearly a YEAR or \u0026lt;.\u0026lt;;;; but I have to do a new owner because he has is horrible >\u0026lt;;;; well! shreky through, and I can not know what cosplay complex * _ * do not say anything to be surprised nyohohoho * _ * but for some reason I do not think many people recognize me ... hmmm ... be seen oO;;;
Finally! this week ended with the Gemini and start with unique and edgeworth ~ ~ ~ and I'm full with these two, especially with the only one who is more complicated ~ ~ ~ then I have to get dresses to wear at Christmas * _ * At least I have enough fabric for that * _ * yay ~ ~ ~ xx sew without stopping;;; nya xx;;; ganbatte Ama-chan! * _ * Hmph

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Invitation Wording For Physical Fittness

-.- ~ Cosplay Cosplay

Shreky -.- so mean, Ignoring me & telling me to write in da Bloggy -.- hmph!! -.- And this thing is taking forever to load & da internet is crappy x.x; well, at least there's internet here, not like in my house where i dun even haff a phone ToT
Anyways, lately, I've been with da cosplays & stuff... I feel a bit stressed, not being able to cosplay for so long ._. & my last cosplay was like, meh -.- ._. so!!! i wanted to cosplay gemini sunrise, but a boots are hard to find & way expensive, so I haff to make them & i dun wanna x.x;;; i haff to be on vacations or sumthing to make that one ._. so!!! I was looking for a cool character to cosplay... cool-looking but not too hard... still looking, but I can't find any!!! >< in the end I'm still left with da same choices, Sakura from Tsubasa or Ashe in her wedding dress... so, I was leaning more towards Ashe, but the wig will be impssible to find here & i dun haff any more internet dollars, well, like, I haff but is for da site & stuff, & even if i could use it, it won't get here in time ._. agh this sux ><;;;; also, the armor thingys and details... it's a very complicated dress x.x; the dress itself is quite simple, but the accesories are too much x.x;;; i'd really have to devote some time to it x.x; so, I will make it, but not for this event x.x;;; I'll slowly make it for no specific time ._.;;; so!!! that still leaves me with: what can i make for this event??? ><!!! also, there's the problem of the money x.x;;; as I get paid veeeeeeery little, it's not like I can spend a lot of money on cosplay x.x;;;; I still haff to pay for da house stuffs & stuff, cuz pedro also gets paid little x.x;;; so!!! what to do? flashy, easy & not too expensive... I dun think I can find sumthing like that ._. *sigh* oh well...
Anyways, on sunday I went to this convention & the crazy stalker was there, it was kinda... umm... desagradable o.O;;; even so, I ignored her & went on as normal, then she went and yelled after me o.O;;; wth x.x;;; is she gonna try to annoy me at events now? o.O I sure hope not x.x;;;; that's annoying x.x; a cockroach, I tell ya x.x;;;;
So!!! back to what we were saying... ahhh right, Sakura... well, ya see, Sakura is oe of the crazy stalker's favorite characters, & she cosplayed as her a few times, so seeing me cosplay as Sakura (& doing it waaaaay better than her), might drive her even more crazy, & as she's mentally unstable, I'm a bit worried of what she might do to me... BUT!!! I know, I shouldn't think that way, right? I can't let my acts be controlled by her, if anything, there's security at the event, & there's also cops... but, she might choose a more sneaky method to get back at me, so x.x;;; ahhh well, she couldn't beat me before, she won't be able to now <.<;;; even so, it's annoying having to have these pointless thoughts x.x;;; I didn't wanna talk to Kaki about it because she migt get mad, since she hates da crazy stalker, & I'm prolly stupid for even worrying about it, but really... it gets annoying -.-;;; *sigh* well, this time I will keep da evidence & go to the police if she anoys me again -.- the heck -.-
OK!!! I got sidetracked again... anyways, like I was saying... right, Sakura... there are 2 dresses I like, but I can't decide... they're definitely not as hard as Ashe, & still quite flashy... I dunno... ummmmm... also, I already haff da wig for that, too... *sigh* I dunno ._. so I wanted to talk about it & stuff, but yah, shreky ignores me -.- hmph -.- anyways, I asked pedro & he said: "ohh i dun like sakura, so do the other one~~~" all he cares about is his personal preference & didn't even bother to look at the dress, just cuz he doesn't like the character -.- I wasn't even asking if he liked the character or not, I just asked which cosplay was better -.- hmph -.- the heck -.- so, yah ._. I dunno what to do -.- the heck -.- sux -.-