Thursday, October 15, 2009

Damn Small Linux On Neoware

Wai~~~ today I haff a headache x.x; porque me acosté tarde ayer y me levanté Earlier today should get some sleep xx xx;;;
Finally! I want to make Gemini Sunrise cosplay * _ * at first I saw only half, but I'm excited * _ * is easy to do both complicated and looks striking * _ * and there are several things I can buy and modify, as the hat and gun ... and maybe the boots, but I think that I have to do xx;;, in short! will look like and see what it * _ * I have to also buy fabric xx;;, and good! Peter says it's too early to do on Halloween, so I'm staying a lolita halloween and put this in November ~ ~ ~ yay ~ ~ ~
Well, that's all for now xx xq toy cansadita;, and then write more xx;;;

Friday, October 9, 2009

Can I Get Herpes In My Shaft?

Baby ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ raisu

Wai! She's here !!!!!!!!! Finally here, my mini-mini !!!!!!!!! she's so cute & small !!!!!!!! kawaiiiiiiiiii * _ * now i just Need my mini> \u0026lt;
But !!!!!! Something that has frustrated me again ... are the lucky packs of baby !!!!!!! what a lucky pack? So for those who do not know, is when the stores sell a pack with several veeeeeeeeery low priced stuff ... then I say a jsk costs 160mil yen, 120mil blouse, stockings 20mil ... the lucky pack cost me 200mil and brings it all !!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh've always wanted a lucky pack
ToT course, the thing is you can not choose to dress / blouse / etc touches you, simply ask them to accessories and what style you want, and it also depends on the price ... but I saw a pack lucky !!!!!!!!!!! I and aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have no money !!!!!!!!!! by quƩeeeeeeeeee ???!!!!!!!!! 120mil yen ... with shipping would 160mil ... how will that dollar ... is less than the usakumya, it is true ... ahhhhhhhhhh I want a pack lucky !!!!!!!!! but, anyway, and it will end. _. In short, next year! when the lucky Saken pack, buy it! with nyahahahaha pedrito quota> = D ahhhhhhhh want a lucky packkkkkkkkkk> \u0026lt;ToT and I thought that this year will not sacrifice baby lucky packs, xq came the Ap and the innocent world and finish and no baby ... and now that I spent the quota is coming out> \u0026lt;aish what. _. anyway ...
Well, next year I will buy the mini and a pack of lucky baby! is determined! * _ * yay ~ ~ ~

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why Does Alabama Football Have A 12 On The Helmet


Yay! I finally did it! I finally made the rice Properly! not burned, was not watered, it was great! * _ * love level up! yay! * _ *
Oki, On Another note ~ ~ ~ yesterday went to the Chinese mall, and bought many things for my decololi * _ * love cute asian ppls Things oO;;, in short! I decorated the wig and was so kawaii * _ * oO looks like a pink piƱata;;; wanted to take pictures but my camera work nu> \u0026lt;puuuu -.- xx;;, in short. .. ahhh I'm a little depressed right now. _. * Sigh * oh well, it's normal anyway ... -.-;;; I can not remember who was going to write here. _. write another day. _. ahhh is, mood swings -.-;;;;; * sigh * how annoying -.-;;; in order. _.