Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Diet Pills At The Nail Salon

Lolita * _ * * _ ~ ~ ~

okis ~ ~ ~ Yay, today was going to do my photo shoot with the gothic lolita I just fix it, but in the end I could not for several things and well ... anyway ... while I've been suspended, but on Friday I will no matter what! >\u0026lt;!!!
Anyway, I went to see what shoes to send to do and then treated me really sick and I end up not say anything, then I will go again tomorrow with my mom to check out ... buenop, besides that, I went to find the materials I needed for the civil dress, as burgundy lace I found (as expected), bought another, but unexpectedly! was pink! OO! how is it possible??> \u0026lt;pink! OMG! I bought it then! oo and then finally, I decided to look for the pink fabric ... for by chance found one, and wahhh, great, now the dress will be pink * _ * and the burgundy fabric there for me then I have another dress * _ * then! To add more, I have the fabric that I bought recently for pedro amaloli ... with pink lace should be great *_*!!! only now I have to find a pink stockings ... Of course, I would xx pink slippers that lack, in short! also saw another super cute fabric! I served for a country, my country white shoes * _ * and Peter bought me too * _ * so now I have 4 fabrics lolita 4 dresses! and are not black! I can finally make a Lolita than black!! * _ * Aish how exciting * _ *
Here pic of the fabrics:

Are not they cute?? * _ * And buenop
to finish this post, I want to make lolita the queen of hearts alice group of avalanche * _ * I left a post in the forum to see if they are not already a queen of hearts, and if you already have, because either way, I'll do it for another time ... is that I saw some really nice stuff in the haberdashery, and aish, I got so excited with the dress * _ * but I will touch do embroidery or applied, because the fabric I saw was perfect (I saw it in internet) was exhausted xx;;, and further that as it is right now the po box, most likely will not arrive in time xx;;, but applications are not as annoying as those of peach and ; that I can do * _ * yay! then, when finished the civil suit, I will the birthday and then I'll get to the wedding and sailor ... and the queen of hearts * _ * I'll be full until August aish, can not make any cosplay this year before the avalanche xx;;; nyan xx, I have to leave the slack and get with that> \u0026lt;! ganbatte ama-chan ~ ~ ~ xx;;;


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