Friday, May 15, 2009

Extremely Sore Neck And Headache

Lolita in Venezuela

Okis! I finally did! I went out without being dressed lolita * _ * special occasion or even a casual lolita, no, I was full with my jsk, stockings AP replica shoes with bows, and bow my head-eating! * _ *
Ok, at first went to the park to take photos, I guess as we were with the camera and style photoshoot, we do not look so weird ... have thought we were taking photos for a magazine or something oO anyway ... after that, went to the mall to eat ~ and yes there ruffled gentese XDDD that some pretended they had not seen anything, some turned their eyes, others laughed, and some even said, "how cute" XD in general the reaction was not a big deal, I thought it would be worse, but nope ... finally, perhaps it's because I spent some time and only in 2 places just ... buenop, touch and gradually accustom people to see wahhahahah lolitas out there> = D anyway, for a first experience was good ... clear, at first I felt a little embarrassed and self-conscious, but presently he went and was happy XDDD anyway, maybe it is possible to be lolita in this country ... hmmm it would be something to keep coming to check out, but yes, I'll never get one oO;;;; yay ~ * _ * would be fun to go with a group of lolitas * _ * but increased n is far from that, I think ... xx;;, in order xx;;;

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Diet Pills At The Nail Salon

Lolita * _ * * _ ~ ~ ~

okis ~ ~ ~ Yay, today was going to do my photo shoot with the gothic lolita I just fix it, but in the end I could not for several things and well ... anyway ... while I've been suspended, but on Friday I will no matter what! >\u0026lt;!!!
Anyway, I went to see what shoes to send to do and then treated me really sick and I end up not say anything, then I will go again tomorrow with my mom to check out ... buenop, besides that, I went to find the materials I needed for the civil dress, as burgundy lace I found (as expected), bought another, but unexpectedly! was pink! OO! how is it possible??> \u0026lt;pink! OMG! I bought it then! oo and then finally, I decided to look for the pink fabric ... for by chance found one, and wahhh, great, now the dress will be pink * _ * and the burgundy fabric there for me then I have another dress * _ * then! To add more, I have the fabric that I bought recently for pedro amaloli ... with pink lace should be great *_*!!! only now I have to find a pink stockings ... Of course, I would xx pink slippers that lack, in short! also saw another super cute fabric! I served for a country, my country white shoes * _ * and Peter bought me too * _ * so now I have 4 fabrics lolita 4 dresses! and are not black! I can finally make a Lolita than black!! * _ * Aish how exciting * _ *
Here pic of the fabrics:

Are not they cute?? * _ * And buenop
to finish this post, I want to make lolita the queen of hearts alice group of avalanche * _ * I left a post in the forum to see if they are not already a queen of hearts, and if you already have, because either way, I'll do it for another time ... is that I saw some really nice stuff in the haberdashery, and aish, I got so excited with the dress * _ * but I will touch do embroidery or applied, because the fabric I saw was perfect (I saw it in internet) was exhausted xx;;, and further that as it is right now the po box, most likely will not arrive in time xx;;, but applications are not as annoying as those of peach and ; that I can do * _ * yay! then, when finished the civil suit, I will the birthday and then I'll get to the wedding and sailor ... and the queen of hearts * _ * I'll be full until August aish, can not make any cosplay this year before the avalanche xx;;; nyan xx, I have to leave the slack and get with that> \u0026lt;! ganbatte ama-chan ~ ~ ~ xx;;;

Restasis Generic In Canada

Barca is the king Cups!

Barca King's Cup!

Thanks to goals from Toure, Messi, Bojan and Xavi the Pep Guardiola won his twenty-fifth Copa del Rey 2009.