Friday, January 13, 2006

Luna Lovegood Lion Hat Sale


Well, first of all, piece of kings this year! Juju! ^ ^
Second, classes have started again! This means that I will go to the PC only on Fridays! Oh what a life of my student so hard! Full of reviews and no social life! (X'DDD)

Him: I can buy you a drink?
She: Actually I prefer to give her the money better

Him: I'm sure I could make you very happy
Ella: Why? Have you go?

him: What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
She: Nothing. I can not talk and laughter while

Him: Can you give me your name?
She: Why? Do not have your one?

Him: Are we going to see a movie?
She: Sorry.

and saw him: "Where have you been all my life?
She: Hiding
Him: I have not seen elsewhere?
She: Yes. So do not go there

He: Is this seat free?
She: Yes, and if you feel it too

Him: So, what do you do?
She: I transvestite

Him: Hello beautiful, What sign are you?
She: In denial

He: Your body is a temple
She: Sorry, but no mass
Him: If I saw you naked die happy
She: If I saw you naked would probably die of laughter

He: Where have you been all my life?
She: Where is the rest of your life: in your dreams

Him: I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours
She: I am a plastic surgeon. I've also been looking for a face like yours

Him: Hi, do not go out together once? Or perhaps both?
She: It must have been one. Never make the same mistake twice

He: How did you manage to be so beautiful?
She: I'll probably play the part that you belonged to you

Him: Would you date me on Saturday?
She: Sorry, but I'll hurt your head over the weekend

He: Your face makes people re-look at you
She: And yours makes my stomach was back

Him: Come on, do not be shy. Tell me something
She: Ok, away!

That's to-to-all folks! xD

Nasty Mood

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Gay Cruising Sacramento Airport

happy 2006! 50 milooones

back if, but what counts is that they say x'DDD Well well .. I'm still alive ... I have not choked on the "grapes" (x'DDD) yes, so is the year I started on the right foot (and both! was standing leaning on the right leg! hahaha)
Well then ... now we only wait for the Magi, to see if they behave well with me and bring me good things! ñahñaah! hahaha. Not that ask for too much, so ...

I've seen "The Chronicles of Narnia"! oh yeah! xD, and the truth is that I liked a lot, because that way of films, fantasy and Science fiction love me (squeeee xD)
Another movie I've also seen is that of King Kong, SSHE, a very good film, as I think, (although I have not seen the previous verson) with some great special effects, but yes, to be a movie so long, nu have a lot of dialogue, most of the girl and the monkey (which of course, there are nu xD dialogue) and the other is the other people fighting against the "stupid,". Other than that, I felt sorry for that poor monkey die: (, after all the movie ... sniff sniff

And today would see the kingdom of heaven, but this movie for me is unchewable (that word exist? x'DD) I did not like, but only you were watching Orli \u0026lt;3 x'DDDD, bah, nu worse at the end I could stand, and I had to get up

xDDDD That's it for today, another day follow spot: "The Chronicles of Drusi"

Happy Mood