Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Vinyl To Aluminum Adhesives

Happy New Year / Happy New Year '09

Feliz Año Nuevo!!! Happy New Year!!!

Pròsper Any Nou!!! Urte Berri On!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

No Period, Negative Pregnancy Test, Bloody Muscus

Merry Christmas / Merry Christmas '08

Feliz Navidad!!!  Merry Christmas!!!

Bon Nadal!!! Eguberri On!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Candid Camera Russian

Missing / Missing

Sorry to have been missing in action but between gigs, the uni and other things I have almost no time for anything. In a couple of days will begin to catch up with all your great fics. Besos

Sorry for

be missing for so long But Between my job, Studinger and Other Things I have not Have Almost time for anything. In a couple of days I will start to read all your stories. Kisses

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Silver Chalice Ebook
