Sunday, October 15, 2006

Does Que She Show Up On Drug Tests


muahahaha! (Evil laugh)
Haha, I'm practicing for Halloween, which is already very close xDD. Nothing
also updated to let you know that I'm alive, I do to tell you that ....
Erreway EspaƱaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa turn comes!
Well, euphoria aside, I must say that nothing is confirmed yet, and unfortunately there is a percentage chance of them not to come, but until they say otherwise ... continue yelling at the 4 winds Erreway gathered again to come to Spain xDD
Apart from that great big news, I have much to say, just that Friday night I went to ICNE with 3 friends, to see "Little Man ", a comedy, it was OK to laugh a little, but which do not expect a great plot
xD Other than that ... nothing to discuss.
PD: That's right! I'm also watching "Supernatural" a number of SCI-FI, which is very very interesting, of those subjects that I love them: D