Friday, September 29, 2006

Nasdaq Stock Symbol List

for "toa" the caraaa! xDD

Well well ... I have no idea how to start Lj posts but as there are many who write ... I can afford to repeat xDD.
The truth is that great things I have to comment, because no one said that my life was somewhat unusual (except that with my super powers to save humanity every day ... xDD)
on studies ... nothing to say. From the first day they get to make things like crazy, but ... Friends c'est la vie!
On my free time ... it was free time? xDDD Nahhas, although I'm not overwhelmed, so I still have time free to watch "Lost," another capitulillo some of "Rebelde Way" and see the odd film.
Speaking of movies, long ago, and in summer, I saw Silent Hill, not that I was 100% loyal to the game but hey, at least I did not lift the chair in the middle of the film. There's one thing if I say it exploded xDDDDDDD (will say I'm crazy, if it, or I see things that are not there but ...) Between Cybil Bennett and Shannon's mother had a "feeling" or chemistry, and well One could imagine that .... Were girlfriends? x'DDDDDDDD
What I loved about the film and it brought back memories, was the tune that the principle, which also appears in the game .. (8) glin glin glinnn (8) xDDD
Speaking of another movie, this time Koreana, Voice exactly ... I must say I loved the movie. Far from terror, it was very emotional, well, I'm addicted to the songs of the movie, you are fine.
Finally, a brief comment on "Stay Alive." Another film set in a video game, which has shades of terror and suspense, it is also one that would advise seeing.

Something to say? I think not, that's enough for today. Mood
