Tuesday, July 11, 2006

High Blood Pressure Tingling Fingers

! Alaa

Hi! Here I bring a drawing very, very well done, and has much merit, because it is done with Paint: O (it is actually an Oekaki, but is the same xDD)

Ron / Hermione .. jejej q bligootiful ainss

Drawing created by Neil

Continuing with the obsession Potterniana ..

Part 3 - You ask for a broom for Christmas.

- Before entering your bathroom say "fresh pine."

- I broke his nose while trying to pass a barrier in the metro.

-Threats to your brother to make ferret bouncing around the house like Malfoy.

- Suddenly, football and do not look so interesting ... "What is special about a game where a lot of people running after one ball and no one can fly or disappear? ".

-Collections plugs and batteries.

- When you go to the zoo looking for a boa constrictor that needs to be released, try to talk to her and make you close one eye, but then you realize that snakes have no eyelids ...

- You have programmed the VCR to when you see an article, news or Harry Potter trading record and nothing else and you are happy, but never see them again.

- You're quite disappointed because he never received the letter from Hogwarts.

- you find it strange that your photos do not move.

- You are a foreign currency and for a moment your heart stops when you think that is a knut or a galleon or a sickle.

- When they ask you at school the properties of chocolate answer is a good remedy to get rid of the scare that will cause the Dementors. Or worse, when someone is scared you give him a chocolate.

All for now: P. Mood


Sunday, July 9, 2006

Pittsburgh Driver License Exam Questions

More on HP jajaa: P

And why not! Another entry more dedicated to the fabulous world of Harry Potter: P. In this picture we can see Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) learning to drive, the truth, he looks worried-looking or something haha xD

And of course, to follow with the Potter-addiction, the second installment of

Part 2 - think about what Hogwarts house would each of the people you know.

- Make your own wand with a splintered bat and carry around, and if someone looks weird the bags and say "I come armed, but did not really mean it because you know that you could cause problems in the Ministry of Magic and your professional career as a Quidditch player would be seriously affected.

- When turning on a light say "Lumos!". "You do

two-headed dog with cardboard and glue them to your dog that looks like Fluffy.

- You know many Knuts make a sickle, sickles made many a galleon, but do not know how much is the dollar.

- Muggle Quidditch Try playing with your friends using the broom in your house and the game does not end until someone catches the snitch (the Christmas tree area), or someone ends up unconscious in the ER with two broken ribs and a chipped arm .

- you know better the history of Hogwarts than your country.

- you start thinking about what material could leave a scar in the form of lightning, and you will be well marked, but do not cause tetanus.

- In the school by name cards pegabas you back to your friends that said "Kick me" or "push me," now say "Beware, I am a Death Eater" or "Flipendéame" or worse "Member of the Ministry of Magic."

- You are convinced that the pictures of your house move and change position.

- When you ask who is the teacher you hate you answer without thinking "Snape."

- You start calling your enemies by his surname.

Gad, I have the TV-shaped head! Three chapters have followed haunted! Nearly three hours watching the sisters Halliwell Oo, I think I will dream of them ... xDDD I do not remember what happened in the first> \u0026lt;hahaha. That's
been all for today, in the chronic toxicity ^ ^. Mood


Saturday, July 8, 2006

Kate's Playground Strawberry Set

Potterniana Obsesion.

First of all, God! Taking advantage of the premieres of Pirates of the Caribbean II, the actors have gone to Disneyland, to promote his movie, so .. Olira was also there! Oh noo .. why was he when I was gone? We also only separated by a month .. ohhh. Thinking that passed through the places I visited ...
xDD Well, on the other hand is better than not see it, because then if so ... I get the fan syndrome, and shock

xDD And honoring the title of the post ... here goes the first installment of 8 total:

If you obsessed, will fulfill this: You spend hours watching
-maps of Scotland wondering where Hogwarts is hidden.

- When you get a sweep, you notice that nobody is looking and throw away the broom on the floor, extend your arm and yelling "up" until frighten a neighbor's dog and starts barking like crazy and you will cry streets.

-You ask your parents that you make a room down the stairs to be your "pantry."

- I do not care if you mistreated your brother or cousin, or whoever, when you get to Hogwarts you give them their due, and Hagrid is going to give a pig's tail.

"Every time you see a parking meter, a payphone, etc. Say "Look at things that happen to Muggles ..."

- When you're doing homework, again you notice that nobody is watching and you point your stylus as if wand at the gum or anything that you close as you say "wingadrium leviosa."

- Steal the diary to your sister and you stick a knife (in the absence of a basilisk fang) shouting "Riddle die, die!".

- you convinced that your teacher is a Death Eater.

- I put Hermes, Errol, Hedwig and Pig to each of the canaries in your grandmother.

- Be kind to dogs and cats, because they will not be seeing you Animagi and ugly.

- O Worse, say "Good morning" every time you pass a dog that also could be an Animagus and do not care if people look at you weird. You're just being polite.

- You ask your parents a black dog that appears to bear to put Sirius, or failing that, Canuto. Part 1 End

That was all for today:). Mood

in stitches

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Are Daihatsu Parts Expensive?

Hi again!

Here ... since the holidays started I have not stopped to see movies and more movies, and new series have been released, of course throughout the year I have not seen anything on TV (believe me when I say I saw nothing, is nothing xDDD, just saw the news at the time of lunch, and nothing else ... or sad life of the student, who has no time to breathe ...)
A new series has been released is ... Tru Calling, since I saw your ad on TV, I wanted to see, because the truth, it seemed interesting. I saw it, and do not let me down:)
is about a young man working in a morgue, and has the gift of communicating with the dead, but just with people who should not be dead, ie, that have been killed. Also has the ability (but not voluntary) to return in time to prevent death.

I've also seen "Shutter" is a Japanese film (or Thailand or China ... how to differentiate?: O) is very well, and also ... I understood! xDDD. What happens is that many Japanese movies are very rare: O, not know where to get them, because the end, do not explain much and leaves you like: and now ....?

And now a game that I got from [info] queenku , qien has given me the letter "S", with which I have to write ten words that begin with that letter, well, beyond I ^ ^.

1-Slytherin: One of the houses of Hogwarts, and perhaps the one I like best xDD (aunq quizz all do ... I get that I'm Raw ... q frustration! XDDD) is the home of Draco .. : D *****

2-Spike: Siii! Spiky! : D **** super bad Vampi Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, which eventually turned out to be all that bad nu. Many agree that gun xDDD ta

3-Lord of the Rings, The: Bueeee, to say about this wonderful trilogy! Well that is one of my favorite movies, and I never tire of seeing her again and again, and the book ... I hope that within 5 years you have finished reading me more than 3 000 pages containing xDDD

4 - Sci-Fi: Squeeee! One of the film genres that I like! For what to see films about real and happens to us every day and can see films that go beyond reality?

5-Sarah Michelle Gellar: I'm not a fan of her, but say that since I saw the Buffy series, I like it:). I think another actress would not have played that role well.

June-September: Horror! Month in which holidays end and school starts again! Nooooo, by quee? : '(Sniff sniffff.

7-Satine: Character of another great movie that I loved Moulin Rouge and would see a thousand times, and listen to their songs as many.

8-Spice Girls: Everyone had their dark xDD past ... Not that I have nothing against the SG, because when I was little I loved, and I even got to buy your movie: O xDDDD, only because I follow any nu xDD them

9-Shopping: Siii! Who does not like to go shopping? Buy new clothes! Latest model shoes, and sobretodoo .... New!!

xDD 10-Sawyer, arrogant character of the series "Lost," which is another of my favorite series

xDD PD: how difficult is to find words for the Yes! : O

Pensive Mood