Saturday, September 3, 2005

How Does A Rabbit Find Light

From month to month and write because I have to ...

Well, the title says it all ... A whole month without updating! Madre mia ... And now I can not say you do not have things to tell, because in a month ...
If it was not was one thing for another, but always ended the day without being updated.
And in a month nobody has been here to leave a comment ... although I understand it, if I were a blog you do not update for so long, would not want to leave a comment.

In everything summer will have gone far to the beach, out there ... I went to the movies ... In short, everything a normal person usually does. But the good thing is just ... and now comes the start of the school ... to the same old routine ... A wake up early and study hard, attacking the nerves ...

This post was only to update the blog because I could not leave more than 1 month without updating. Besides that it is too late and the ideas do not flow well x'D for today and tomorrow I leave early leave something.

Mood Tired